Tuesday, 6 February 2018


Table content: how to keep your eye health.11 Home Remedies for Blepharitis.‌How to protect your eyes from computer screens

Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes

Your eyes are an important part of your health. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy and make sure you are seeing your best. Follow these simple steps for maintaining healthy eyes well into your golden years.

Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam. You might think your vision is fine or that your eyes are healthy, but visiting your eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the only way to really be sure. When it comes to common vision problems, some people don’t realize they could see better with glasses or contact lenses. In addition, many common eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and age-related macular degeneration often have no warning signs. A dilated eye exam is the only way to detect these diseases in their early stages.

During a comprehensive dilated eye exam, your eye care professional places drops in your eyes to dilate, or widen, the pupil to allow more light to enter the eye the same way an open door lets more light into a dark room. This enables your eye care professional to get a good look at the back of the eyes and examine them for any signs of damage or disease. Your eye care professional is the only one who can determine if your eyes are healthy and if you’re seeing your best.

Know your family’s eye health history. Talk to your family members about their eye health history. It’s important to know if anyone has been diagnosed with a disease or condition since many are hereditary. This will help to determine if you are at higher risk for developing an eye disease or condition.

Eat right to protect your sight. You’ve heard carrots are good for your eyes. But eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, or collard greens is important for keeping your eyes healthy, too.iResearch has also shown there are eye health benefits from eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut.

Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic conditions, which can lead to vision loss, such as diabetic eye disease or glaucoma. If you are having trouble maintaining a healthy weight, talk to your doctor.

Wear protective eyewear. Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities around the home. Protective eyewear includes safety glasses and goggles, safety shields, and eye guards specially designed to provide the correct protection for a certain activity. Most protective eyewear lenses are made of polycarbonate, which is 10 times stronger than other plastics. Many eye care providers sell protective eyewear, as do some sporting goods stores.

Quit smoking or never start. Smoking is as bad for your eyes as it is for the rest of your body. Research has linked smoking to an increased risk of developing age related macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness.

Be cool and wear your shades.Sunglasses are a great fashion accessory, but their most important job is to protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. When purchasing sunglasses, look for ones that block out 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B radiation.

Give your eyes a rest. If you spend a lot of time at the computer or focusing on any one thing, you sometimes forget to blink and your eyes can get fatigued. Try to look away from the computer every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. This can help reduce eyestrain.

Clean your hands and your contact lenses properly. To avoid the risk of infection, always wash your hands thoroughly before putting in or taking out your contact lenses. Make sure to disinfect contact lenses as instructed and replace them as appropriate.

Practice workplace eye safety.Employers are required to provide a safe work environment. When protective eyewear is required as a part of your job, make a habit of wearing the appropriate type at all times and encourage your coworkers to do the same.

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Don't take your eyes for granted. Take these easy steps to keep your peepers healthy.

1. Eat Well

Good eye health starts with the food on your plate. Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off age-related vision problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. To get them, fill your plate with:

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and collardsSalmon, tuna, and other oily fishEggs, nuts, beans, and other nonmeat protein sourcesOranges and other citrus fruits or juicesOysters and pork

A well-balanced diet also helps you stay at a healthy weight. That lowers your odds ofobesity and related diseases like type 2 diabetes, which is the leading cause of blindness in adults.

2. Quit Smoking

It makes you more likely to get cataracts, damage to your optic nerve, and macular degeneration. If you've tried to kick the habit  before only to start again, keep at it. The more times you try toquit, the more likely you are to succeed. Ask your doctor for help.

Taking Care of Your Diabetes Every Day

If you have diabetes, there are things you must do every day to keep yourself healthy. WebMD provides a list of what you need to do.

3. Wear Sunglasses

The right pair of shades will help protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Too much UV exposure boosts your chances of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Choose a pair that blocks 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound lenses help protect your eyes from the side. Polarized lenses reduce glare while you drive.

If you wear contact lenses, some offer UV protection. It's still a good idea to wear sunglasses for an extra layer.

4. Use Safety Eyewear

If you use hazardous or airborne materials on the job or at home, wear safety glasses or protective goggles.

Sports like ice hockey, racquetball, and lacrosse can also lead to eye injury. Wear eye protection. Helmets with protective face masks or sports goggles with polycarbonate lenses will shield your eyes.

5. Look Away From the Computer Screen

Staring at a computer or phone screen for too long can cause:

EyestrainBlurry visionTrouble focusing at a distanceDry eyesHeadachesNeck, back, and shoulder pain

To protect your eyes:

Make sure your glasses or contacts prescription is up to date and good for looking at a computer screen.If your eye strain won’t go away, talk to your doctor about computer glasses.Move the screen so your eyes are level with the top of the monitor. That lets you look slightly down at the screen.Try to avoid glare from windows and lights. Use an anti-glare screen if needed.Choose a comfortable, supportive chair. Position it so that your feet are flat on the floor.If your eyes are dry, blink more.Rest your eyes every 20 minutes. Look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Get up at least every 2 hours and take a 15-minute break.

Taking Care of Your Diabetes Every Day

If you have diabetes, there are things you must do every day to keep yourself healthy. WebMD provides a list of what you need to do.

6. Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly

Everyone needs a regular eye exam, even young children. It helps protect your sight and lets you see your best.

Eye exams can also find diseases, like glaucoma, that have no symptoms. It's important to spot them early on, when they're easier to treat.

Depending on your eye health needs, you can see one of two types of doctors:

Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who specialize in eye care. They can provide general eye care, treat eye diseases, and perform eye surgery.Optometrists have had 4 years of specialized training after college. They provide general eye care and treat the most common eye diseases. They don't do eye surgery.

A comprehensive eye exam might include:

Talking about your personal and family medical historyVision tests to see if you’re nearsighted, farsighted, have anastigmatism (a curved cornea that blurs vision), or presbyopia (age-related vision changes)Tests to see how well your eyes work togetherEye pressure and optic nerve tests to check for glaucomaExternal and microscopic examination of your eyes before and after dilation

11 Home Remedies for Blepharitis

Do you find yourself waking up with sticky and rather crusty deposits on eyelids and eyelashes? Do you often suffer from irritation and redness in your eyelids or eyes? Have you dealt with sties lately? Do you think it is just another infective episode of red eye or a pink eye? Well, probably have blepharitis. Blepharitis refers to severe inflammation of the lid margins of your delicate eyes. In this condition, the edges of your eyelids become swollen and red. It is the most undiagnosed and untreated eye infection across the world. [1] If you want to know how to get rid of blepharitis at home, then don’t worry. Our home remedies for blepharitis are all you need to treat the symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of Blepharitis?

Blepharitis usually occurs due to clogging of oil pores present on the eyelids. It can also be secondary to any other skin problem such as acne rosacea. Poor hygiene is a major driving factor especially if you have oily skin.

The symptoms of Blepharitis include:

StiesSwelling of eyelidsWatery eyesRedness of eyesBlurry visionIncreased sensitivity to lightA burning sensation in eyesDryness in eyesSticky eyelidsPresence of flaky skin around the eyelidsCrusts present on the eyelids

It is important to deal with blepharitis as soon as it is detected. This is because untreated blepharitis may cause dry eyes, chalazion, and conjunctivitis. Luckily, the infection does not require medical treatment and can be corrected with a few steps.

Blepharitis Home Remedies

Warm Compress

One of the best home remedies for blepharitis include soothing the inflamed eyelids. It also involves removal of the crust that has accumulated on the eyelashes.

A warm compress will not only soften the crust but will also improve the blood flow towards eyes. This will, in turn, help in healing.

To use a warm compress, take a clean washcloth and dip it in warm water. Wring it out and put it on the affected eye for 15 minutes. Repeat this process for three times a day.

Using a warm compress every day will improve the drainage and decrease the inflammation. If it is not helping, try using a cotton pad dipped in shampoo water to moisten the flakes first.

Repeat this process every day until the flakes stop appearing.

Prepare Some Black Tea

11 Effective Home Remedies for Hiatal Hernia

Black teabag is a great home remedy for blepharitis it has anti-inflammatory effects. It also possesses strong anti-bacterial properties.

Black tea is rich in tannins and phenolic compounds to stop bacterial growth. So, it is a great answer to how to cure blepharitis fast

To use this remedy, place a black tea bag in a pan of boiling water. Wait for it to steep and gradually cool down. Squeeze the bag to let the extra water go and place it on the affected eyelid.

Let the tea bag over the eyelid for at least 10 minutes and discard it.

Try Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is rich in antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. It cannot only benefit your skin but can kill the bacteria as well.

Tea tree oil is an exceptional agent for removing dandruff and flaky skin. A study showed that using it on eyes for a month can reduce blepharitis bacteria in the patients.

While tea tree is a great way to get rid of blepharitis naturally, remember that it can be irritating to some. So, before you apply it on your eyelids, it is important to dilute it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil.

Add 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil in half a teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply the mixture on a clean cotton pad and place it on the affected eye.

Avoid Contact Lenses and Makeup

Wearing contact lenses and makeup is bad for eyelid hygiene. It also makes it difficult for your eyelids to heal fast.

Stop wearing eye makeup or lenses until the infection goes away. Keep your eyes as clean as possible and rely on eyeglasses for a while.

It might be a good idea to buy a new pair of contact lenses once the infection heals. This is because the old ones might contain bacterial contamination.

Get Rid of Dandruff

The presence of dandruff on your scalp usually causes flaking and redness. This can spread to your eyebrows causing greasy scaling. Dandruff can actually be the cause of blepharitis.

Hence, getting rid of dandruff is among the important home remedies for blepharitis. Treating dandruff is not difficult. A lot of natural remedies like coconut oil and probiotics can do the job well.  Try apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy to remove dandruff from hair.

Consume Anti-inflammatory Foods

Consuming a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can improve eye infections. It is also the best way for how to cure blepharitis fast. How can anti-inflammatory foods treat this eye infection?

Anti-inflammatory foods can lead to a reduction in the symptoms of inflammation. These foods can not only treat blepharitis but can also heal other problems like rosacea.

Some of the best foods to consume for blepharitis include:

Omega-3 foods: Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, chia seeds, and walnuts. These items can not only reduce the inflammation but can also enhance the immune system. Hence, your body acts better to the bacterial strains and keep them away. Organic fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are naturally high in anti-inflammatory compounds. They can also give your immune system a much-needed boost. Moreover, consuming them will help in rebuilding healthy skin cells. As a bonus, your body will be receiving a lot of vitamins like A, E, and C to improve eye health. Healthy fats: Foods such as avocado and olive oil contain healthy fats. This is why these items can help to decrease systemic inflammation and heal the health of your skin.

If you are not consuming omega-3 fatty acids through food, use supplements. Fish oil has a lot of benefits such as skin nourishment and reduction in inflammation.

Research says that these agents can increase the fatty acid content in meibum. This helps to improve the symptoms of dry eyes, a primary cause of blepharitis.

Blink More

It might sound funny but blinking more is among the best home remedies for blepharitis.

The rate at which you blink tends to reduce with age. It also decreases when you are engaged in any near-vision tasks such as using your cell phone.

Blinking is important as it allows the meibomian gland to produce oil. This reduces the risk of blockage or any other abnormality that can lead to blepharitis.

If you are suffering from blepharitis, consider blinking at least 20 times. Follow it four times every day to increase the secreting power of meibomian glands.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is among the best home remedies for blepharitis. It can provide a speedy relief from all the redness, irritation, and inflammation fast.

Castor oil can moisturize your eyelids and regulate the abnormal meibomian glands. It can also fight all the bacteria and fungi that cause the infection in your eyelids.

Dip a cotton ball in some castor oil and apply it on your eyelid. You may also cover the surrounding area with a light layer of this oil. If you have blepharitis on both eyes, use a fresh cotton ball for the other eye.

Repeat this remedy once every night and leave the oil on for the rest of the night. You will get relief from the inflammation and pain in up to 2 days.

For best results, try to get 100% pure castor oil with no hexane and other ingredients.

Use Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is not only good for your skin but is a fantastic blepharitis home remedy .It is an anti-inflammatory agent and can also moisturize the skin to keep dryness away.

Aloe vera can also keep your eyes free from debris and crusts. Using it will improve the moisture level and treat blepharitis within days.

To use aloe vera, cut a fresh leaf and take out its gel. Carefully apply the gel onto your eyelids. Let it stay for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Repeat this remedy once or twice every day for best results.

Rely on Neem

Neem is known to have strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is a great way to cure seborrheic dermatitis as well and makes a fantastic blepharitis home remedy.

Using neem will get rid of most of the symptoms such as redness, swelling, and itching. It will also kill the main bacterium causing the infection.

To use it, boil some neem leaves in 3 cups of water. Strain the water, allow it to cool and use it for rinsing your hair. You can also use a cotton ball to dab some of it on your eyes.

Go for Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil is one of the top home remedies for blepharitis. It is loaded with nutritious properties and has an anti-inflammatory action as well.

Coconut oil works great for skin disorders such as dermatitis, psoriasis, and rosacea. It is an equally effective remedy for treating the symptoms of blepharitis.

To use coconut oil, warm it up a little. Now, use a cotton ball to apply it to your eyelids. Let it stay for about 15 minutes before rinsing the eyes. Repeat this remedy every day for best results.


Wash your eyelids with a gentle soap every dayUse natural moisturizersClean your contact lenses properly


Avoid exposure to allergens that may induce inflammationDo not use any eye makeup product for more than six monthsDo not ignore scalp dandruff

‌How to protect your eyes from computer screens

Crizal Prevencia lenses will help protect your eyes against harmful blue-violet light. Tim Adler is dazzled by the difference he sees

Office workers spend their day switching from one digital screen to another. The first thing many of us do when we wake up is check our email and social media, then catch up on the news via a tablet and play games on our phone on our way to work.

We spend eight hours on our office computer, then it’s back home again to put our feet up in front of the television. All told, we have spent most of our waking hours gazing at one screen or another.

We have become used to wearing sunglasses to protect against sunlight and the risk of ultraviolet light damaging our eyes, but people also need additional pairs of glasses for work, hobbies and home.

Andy Hepworth, an optician and professional relations manager at Essilor, says: Differing work environments, whether indoors or out, lead to very different visual requirements.

A great example is computer use – where you may be immersed in your screen all day – or an interactive user who uses a digital device but also interacts away from their screen in meetings or other locations.

Eyecare experts are worried about the levels of harmful blue light emanating from computer screens and mobile phones

Put simply, your optician will have spectacle lenses that will be tailored to these requirements, making your work life much more comfortable. When you get home you can just pop on your everyday pair.

Crizal Prevencia lenses filter out 20 per cent of the damaging blue-violet light, allowing only the good light, including blue-turquoise, to hit the eye, helping you get a good night’s sleep as well as protecting your vision.

Putting on my new glasses for the first time makes everything look so much sharper. It feels like I have upgraded to a high-definition television screen, having been used to a regular colour set.

People need additional pairs of glasses for work, hobbies and home

 Take a couple of hours for my eyes to settle down, allowing my brain to adjust. In fact, the slight disorientation goes after a minute or so, and the slight tint feels soothing after spending all day staring at a computer screen.

One of the first things I notice is the purple reflections of the various screens and office lights bouncing off my Crizal Prevencia lenses away from my eyes – it makes you realise how much light there is in the office environment.

The truth is, I love them. These are the best glasses I have ever owned. Given the protection the Crizal Prevencia is offering and for somebody as Mr Magooishly short-sighted as I am, the lenses are extraordinarily thin. Now I can appreciate the startling clarity of the world around me.

Clear view

Crizal UV Protective Lenses not only protect the eyes against harmful UV light, but they also reduce glare when working at a computer, watching TV or driving at night. The lenses physically repel dust and water, and are also smudge-resistant.

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