Wednesday, 7 February 2018


Table content.
11 Fruits&veggies health benefits.BananasBeansCabbageCarrotsGarlicGrapefruitHoneyOnionsPineapplTomatoeWater.

7 Wonderful Benefits of Banana: How to Include the Fruit in Your Daily Diet

An instant energy booster, banana is one fruit that is commonly available across the globe. In India, it is given much importance where various regional cuisines use it in making sinful desserts - kheer, malpua, halwa,payasam, sheera, and paniyaram, to name a few. The raw fruit too is not left behind. Cut into smaller chunks or thinly sliced using a mandolin, it gets used up in making wafers,subzis, kebabs, pakoras, and the famous curries of Kerala such as Avial and Kalan. If you travel towards the East and the Northeast, you will come across it in the local breakfast cereal, known as jolpan in Assam, which usually contains puffed or sticky rice mixed with curd and jaggery, and topped with banana pieces.

It is a common feature in breakfast menus, and it is definitely with good reason. It provides you instant energy to kick start your day, and is said to be very good for the stomach. Most natural home remedies in India circling around an upset stomach, call for using bananas as a remedy along with a few other ingredients. A single piece of banana is said to contain only 90 calories, which also makes it a great (and healthy) snack to munch on rather than sugar loaded goodies or deep-fried treats. Carry one in your tiffin bag, and you will be thanking your stars whenever a sudden hunger pang grips you.

Benefits of Banana

A look into the nutritional breakdown of bananas and it reveals the following: per 100 grams, it contains 0.3 gm total fat, zero cholesterol, 1 mg salt, about 360 mg potassium, 2.6 gm dietary fiber, 12 gm sugar and 1.1 gm protein. If you still need reasons as to why you must include bananas in your diet, here are some -

1. High Fiber Content

Banana is loaded with fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber has the tendency to slow down digestion and keep you feeling full for a longer time. Which is why bananas are often included in a breakfast meal so that you can start about your day without having to worry about the next meal.

2. Heart Health

High fiber foods are said to be good for the heart. According to a study done by University of Leeds in UK, increasing consumption offiber-rich foods such as bananas can lower risk of both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD).

3. Ease in Digestion

According to Ayurveda, banana has a sweet and sour taste. The sweet taste is said to bring about a sense of heaviness but the sour taste is known to stimulate agni (the digestive juices), thereby supporting digestion and helping in building up metabolism.

4. Powerhouse of Nutrients

Banana is a heavyweight when it comes to nutrition. It is loaded with essential vitaminsand minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6. These all contribute to the proper functioning of the body and keeping you healthy.

5. High Source of Potassium

The high content of potassium in bananas makes it a super fruit. This mineral is known for its numerous health benefiting properties - it helps in regulating heartbeat, blood pressure, and keeps the brain alert.

6. Blood Pressure

It is a known fact that salt is the evil when it comes to high blood pressure. Bananas have low salt content and high potassium content, and these properties contribute to making it ideal for those undergoing this condition.

7. Helps Fight Anaemia

Due to the high iron content in bananas, they are good for those suffering from anaemia. Anaemia is a condition where there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood. This leads to fatigue, shortness of breath, and paleness.

Health benefits of beans

Beans offer several health benefits, including:

1. Protein source

Adding beans to grains can turn an incomplete protein into a complete one.

Protein is a vital nutrient that plays a key role in virtually everything the body does. Beans are high in amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

Protein sources can be divided into two different categories: complete and incomplete. Animal products, soy, andquinoa are all complete proteins, which means they contain all nine amino acids.

Out of all the types of beans, only soybeans contain all nine amino acids. Incomplete proteins can be easily combined with nuts, seeds, dairy, or grains at a single meal or over various meals throughout the day to make complete proteins.

For example, a person can eat beans with rice or couscous. Even having black beans at lunch and then almonds or cheese later in the day can ensure people get complete proteins.

Beans make an excellent source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. They are also lower in calories and saturated fat than some other protein sources, such as dairy products.

2. Nutrient dense food

Beans contain several vital nutrients, including folate. Folate can help prevent neural tube defects in a fetus during pregnancy.

Dried beans contain nearly double the folate that canned beans contain, so it is better to cook them from their dried form. However, canned beans still contain more folate than many foods.

Not getting enough folate can cause several symptoms, including:

weaknessfatigueheart palpitationsloss of appetiteirritability

3. Antioxidant

Beans are rich in a type of antioxidant called polyphenols. Antioxidants fight the effects of free radicals, which are chemicals that affect a wide range of processes in the body, from physical aging to cancer andinflammation.

4. Better heart health

People who consume beans may be less likely to die of a heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular health problem.

A 2013 analysis of previous studies found a clear correlation between eating beans and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

Other research suggests that beans may lower cholesterol. High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease and heart attacks.

5. Reduced risk of cancer

Some studies have shown that beans act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. These effects could reduce the risk of cancer.

Research published in 2015 analyzed whether beans might have antioxidant properties that fight intestinal cancer. Black beans were shown to have the highest antioxidant activity.

A 2016 study also found that chemicals in Northeast China black beans could slow the growth of colorectal cancer by damaging cancer cells.

6. Diabetes and glucose metabolism

Beans may help stabilize blood glucose levels or even prevent diabetes. Beans are high in fiber, which can help lower blood glucose.

A 2015 study in mice found that a chemical found in soybean leaves could help the body maintain healthy glucose levels.

Soybeans also support the healthy functioning of pancreatic cells. The pancreas produces insulin, which regulates blood sugar.

7. Preventing fatty liver

Fatty liver is a metabolic disorder that occurs when fats accumulate in the liver.

Research published in 2016 found that adzuki beans improve the accumulation of fat in the liver of mice. This result suggests that these beans might preserve liver health and reduce the risk of fatty liver, although more studies in humans are needed.

8. Controlling appetite

The fiber and healthy starches in beans can help prevent food cravings. People may feel fuller after consuming beans, which may prevent overeating and even help with weight loss.

9. Improving gut health

Research has shown a variety of beans, especially black beans, enhance gut health by improving intestinal barrier function, and increasing the number of healthy bacteria. This may help prevent gut-associated diseases.


Some people are allergic to beans or members of the legume family. Peanuts, for instance, are a legume and a common allergen. Soy is also a common allergen in the United States, while a lupin allergy is more common in Europe.

Some people who are allergic to one bean or legume are allergic to others, so people with a history of allergies should consider allergy-testing and ask their doctor about carrying an epinephrine injector (EpiPen).

It is unsafe to eat many beans raw because they contain proteins called lectins. These proteins can cause severe food poisoningbecause they interfere with digestion and can lead to cyanide formation.

Cooking the beans for at least 10 minutes destroys lectins so that they can be safely eaten.

The most common side effects of eating beans are gas and intestinal discomfort. These are not dangerous but can be unpleasant and even painful for some people.

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) often follow a low-FODMAP diet that restricts certain carbohydrates, including beans, to reduce their symptoms.

A person can reduce the risk of gas and other intestinal problems by hot-soaking beans and discarding the water used for soaking, or sprouting, boiling, or pressure-cooking them. Digestive enzymes can also be taken to improve digestion of beans.

Adding beans to your diet

A mixed bean salad is both filling and tasty.

A person should always wash beans before cooking them and remove any beans that are shriveled or discolored.

Beans can be cooked by boiling them with seasoning and allowing them to simmer until they are soft.

Canned beans are pre-cooked and can be used straight away in a variety of dishes.

Some simple strategies for adding beans to a regular diet include:

Replacing meat with beans. Try adding beans instead of meat to soups, casseroles, and pasta dishes.Eating chilled bean salads. Beans are tasty and filling as a standalone salad, or as a garnish to other salads.Mixing beans and grains. Adding beans to grains can turn an incomplete protein into a complete one.

It can take a little trial and error to find the beans that work best for someone's preferred dishes, but beans can make a healthy addition to almost any meal.


Amazing Benefits Of Cabbage

The health benefits of cabbage include its frequent use as a treatment for constipation, stomach ulcers, headaches, obesity, skindisorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, and Alzheimer’s disease.

What Is Cabbage?

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable of Brassica family and is round or oval in shape. It consists of soft, light green or whitish inner leaves covered with harder and dark green outer leaves. It is widely used throughout the world and can be prepared in a number of ways, but most commonly, it is included as either a cooked or raw part of many salads.

Cabbage is beneficial in curing various health ailments and a short list of those is listed below:

Deficiency of Vitamin C

Scurvy is a disease commonly characterized by spongy andbleeding gums, cracked lip corners, weakened immune system, frequent infections and cold, premature aging, and depression.

Remedy: Cabbage is an abundant source of vitamin C. You might be surprised to know that it is actually richer in vitamin C than oranges, which are considered the “best” source of that vital nutrient. Vitamin C, as one of the best antioxidants, reduces free radicals in your body that are the fundamental causes of premature aging. It also helps in repairing the wear and tear of the body through the course of life. Therefore, cabbage is very helpful in treating ulcers, certain cancers, depression, and boosting the immune system, and defending against cold and cough. It can also speed up the healing process for wounds and damaged tissues, regulate the proper functioning of the nervous system, and reduce the effects and presence of Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative neural diseases.

Deficiency of Roughage

This is a very serious deficiency but one that is commonly overlooked in the maintenance of personal health. A lack of roughage in food can result in constipation, which is the root cause of many other ailments and health hazards such as stomach ulcers, headaches, gastrointestinal cancers, indigestion, and a subsequent loss of appetite. The dangers of roughage deficiency even extend to skin diseases, eczema, premature aging, and hundreds of mild to serious conditions.

Remedy: Cabbage is very rich infiber, which is the main health benefit of roughage. This helps the body retain water and it maintains the bulkiness of the food as it moves through the bowels. Thus, it is a good remedy for constipation and other problems related to digestion.

Deficiency of Sulfur

Sulfur is a very useful nutrient as it fights infections. A deficiency of sulfur can result in microbial infections and a greatly reduced rate in the healing of wounds.

Remedy: Again, cabbage is rich in sulfur. So, it helps fight infections in wounds and reduces the frequency and severity of ulcers.

Health Benefits Of Cabbage

Prevents Cancer

One of the most celebrated health benefits of cabbage is its powerful antioxidant quality. This means that cabbage and other similar vegetables scavenge free radicals from the body, which can be detrimental to overall health and are major contributors to cancer and heart diseases.

Cabbage also has a number of anti-cancer compounds, like lupeol, sinigrin, and sulforaphane, which are known to stimulate enzyme activity and inhibit the growth of tumors that lead to cancer. One study, performed primarily on Chinese women, showed a significant reduction in breast cancer when cruciferous vegetables like cabbage were regularly added to their diet.

Anti-inflammatory Agent

Cabbage is known to accumulate a build-up of cadmium-binding complexes in its leaves and one of the main components of that is glutamine. Glutamine is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, so consuming cabbage can reduce the effects of many types of inflammation, irritation, allergies, joint pain, fever, and various skin disorders.

Improves Vision

Cabbage is a rich source of beta-carotene, so many people, particularly as they get older, turn to cabbage for its ability to prevent macular degeneration and promote good eye health and delay cataract formation. Beta-carotene has also been positively linked to reduced chances of prostate cancer, which is an extra bonus on top of other anti-carcinogenic effects of cabbage!

Weight Loss

Cabbage is frequently recommended for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. Since cabbage is packed with many beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, it is a healthy dietary option for people to eat and is quite filling since it has high levels of fiber, which add bulk to the bowels. It is also low in calories, amounting to only 33 calories in a cup of cooked cabbage. Therefore, people can go on the popular “cabbage soup” diet, and eat plenty of food to stay healthy, without gaining excess weight!

Improves Brain Health

Let’s not forget that cabbage is a very powerful brain food! The presence of vitamin K and anthocyanins within cabbage can give a strong boost to mental function and concentration. Vitamin K is essential for the production of sphingolipids, the myelin sheath around nerves. This wrapping is what protects nerves from damage and decay. Therefore, consuming vitamin K can improve your defense against neural degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.

Furthermore, the anthocyanins in cabbage are a current area of research, but early indications point to it being a more powerful source of antioxidants than vitamin C, and red cabbage has even more types of anthocyanins than normal cabbage. It also appears that the nutrient uptake is not limited by anything and that people can eat as much cabbage as they want, and continue to accumulate antioxidants, which help fight off diseases, reduce chances of cancer, improve the nervous system, and increase brain function.

Improves Bones

Cabbage, as well as all cruciferous vegetables, are great sources of minerals, like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These three essential minerals are integral in the protection of bones from degradation and the onset of conditions like osteoporosis and general bone weakening.

Regulates Blood Pressure

The presence of potassium in cabbage also makes it a wonderful way to protect yourself from elevated blood pressure, whichincreases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Potassium is a vasodilator, which means that it opens up the blood vessels and eases the flow of blood, so it isn’t being forced in a stress-inducing way through constricted arteries and veins. Overall, cabbage is a great shield against many types of dangerous conditions!

Skin Care

As mentioned already, cabbage is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, anthocyanins, and sulfur, since it is a cruciferous vegetable. Antioxidants play a major role in skin health and the general toning and improvement of the body in response to the aging process. Free radicals can be an underlying cause of wrinkles, skin discoloration, spots, and many other conditions. Therefore, the antioxidants you get by eating cabbage can cause a turn-around in your aging processes, leaving you feeling and looking healthy and young.

Reduces Muscle Aches

When certain bacteria ferment thesugars in cabbage during the preparation of sauerkraut, lactic acid is released. It isn’t the easiest compound to find in a diet, but it has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and aches, so in some small way, cabbage can help general pain relief and muscle soreness, depending on how it is prepared.

Detoxifies the Body

Cabbage acts as a good detoxifier too, meaning that it purifies the blood and removes toxins, primarily free radicals and uric acid which are the main causes of rheumatism, gout, arthritis, renal calculi, skin diseases, and eczema. This detoxifying effect of cabbage is due to the high content of vitamin C and sulfur in it.

Other Benefits Of Cabbage

Cabbage, being rich in iodine, helps in proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system, along with keeping the glands of the endocrine system in proper condition. It is good for the brain and is useful in the treatment of neural disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. The other nutrients present in cabbage, such as vitamin E, keep the skin, eyes, and hair healthy. The calcium, magnesium, and potassium found in cabbage are very useful for a wide range of health benefits. Cabbage can also be used for the treatment ofvaricose veins, leg ulcers, and peptic and duodenal ulcers.

Basically, this common component of your Chinese dishes could be a miraculous addition to your diet. Don’t be afraid to add cabbage to your daily diet, whether it is in your soup or salad, and that small change will help you live a healthier and longer life.

Cooked cabbage is how most people get it into their diet or system, but cooking actually causes a loss of many of the nutrients, particularly the high levels of vitamin C. Besides, the other nutrients become harder for the body to absorb. The best option is to eat the cabbage raw!


 Impressive Benefits Of Carrots

The health benefits of carrots include reduced cholesterol, lower risk of heart attacks, prevention of certain cancers, improved vision, and reduced signs of premature aging. Furthermore, carrots have the ability to improve the skin, boost the immune system, improve digestion, protect cardiovascular health, detoxify the body, and boost oral health in a variety of ways. They also provide a well-rounded influx of vitamins and minerals.

What Are Carrots?

Carrots are one of the most widely used and enjoyed vegetables in the world, partly because they grow relatively easily and are very versatile in a number of dishes and cultural cuisines. They are scientifically classified as Daucuscarota and categorized as a root vegetable. Carrots come in different colors such as orange, purple, white, yellow, and red. The taproot of the carrot is the part of the vegetable most commonly eaten, although the greens are still beneficial in salads and other forms.

The type of carrot most commonly eaten around the world is the domesticated variety of the wild species named above and it is native to Europe and Southwestern Asia. The majority of carrots are now cultivated in China, but they are exported throughout the world to be included in salads and soups, as well as a stand-alone vegetable for snacks, side dishes, and essential ingredients in many recipes.

Carrots in the wild have a woody core element that is not very palatable, so cultivation has eventually selected that characteristic out and we are left with the form of carrots that we are familiar with today. Both adults and children like them because of their crunchy texture and sweet taste, so this is one of the valuable vegetables for parents, as children seem to enjoy eating them, which is a rare exception!

The health benefits of carrots and their delicious taste make them an important vegetable in cultural cuisines across the globe, so let’s first understand what exactly is it about carrots that makes them so beneficial!

Carrots Nutrition Facts

Most of the benefits of carrots can be attributed to their beta-carotene and fiber content. These root vegetables are also a good source of antioxidants. Furthermore, they are rich in vitamin A, C, K, and B8, as well as pantothenic acid, folate,potassium, iron, copper, andmanganese.

Health Benefits Of Carrots

Health benefits of carrots include the following:

Prevent Heart Diseases

In a study meant to reveal the therapeutic value of carrots, researchers at the Wolfson Gastrointestinal Laboratory inEdinburgh, Scotland revealed that cholesterol level drops by an average of 11 percent if seven ounces of raw carrots per day are consumed for three weeks.

High cholesterol is a major factor causing heart diseases. Since regular consumption of carrots reduces cholesterol levels, it is a good idea to consume a healthy dose of carrots, in order to prevent heart-related problems. A group of Swedish scientists discovered that these root vegetables can reduce the chances of having a heart attack. A study conducted at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Italy found that those who ate more carrots had a 1/3rd risk of heart attack as compared with those who ate fewer carrots.

Lower Blood Pressure

They are rich sources of potassium, which is a vasodilator and can relax the tension in your blood vessels and arteries, thereby increasing blood flow and circulation, boosting organ function throughout the body, and reducing the stress on the cardiovascular system. High blood pressure is directly linked toatherosclerosis, strokes, and heart attacks, so this is yet another heart-healthy aspect of carrots! The coumarin found in them has also been linked to reducing  hypertension and protecting the heart health!

Boost Immunity

Carrots contain a number of antiseptic and antibacterial abilities that make them ideal for boosting the immune system. Not only that, they are a rich source of vitamin C, which stimulates the activity of white blood cells and is one of the most important elements in thehuman immune system.

Help in Digestion

Carrots, like most vegetables, have significant amounts of dietary fiber in their roots, and fiber is one of the most important elements in maintaining good digestive health. Fiber adds bulk to stool, which helps it pass smoothly through the digestive tract, and stimulates peristaltic motion and the secretion of gastric juices. Altogether, this reduces the severity of conditions like constipation and protects your colon and stomach from various serious illnesses, including colorectal cancer. Fiber also boosts heart health by helping eliminate excess LDL cholesterol from the walls of arteries and blood vessels.

Prevent Cancer

Beta-carotene consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of several cancers, notably lung cancer. British researchers discovered that increasing beta-carotene consumption from 1.7 to 2.7 milligrams per day reduced lungcancer risk by more than 40 percent. An average carrot contains about three milligrams of beta-carotene.

In a separate study, researchers found that eating fiber-rich carrots reduced the risk of colon cancer by as much as 24 percent. Another study shows that women who ate raw carrots were five to eight times less likely to develop breast cancerthan those who did not.

Reduce Macular Degeneration

This is a common eye disease of the elderly that impairs the function of the macula. Research has found that people who ate the most amount of beta-carotene had a forty percentlower risk of macular degeneration compared with those who consumed the least. Beta-carotene can also split itself via an enzymatic reaction to form pro-vitamin A, which is often associated with antioxidant capacity in relation to vision. Therefore, carrots are an all-around vision booster.

Improve Eyesight

Deficiency of vitamin A can cause some difficulty seeing in dim light. Since carrots are rich in vitamin A, they are good for improvingeyesight and preventing conditions like night blindness from developing as we age.

Improve Oral Health

The organic compounds in carrots are good mineral antioxidants and they also stimulate the gums and induce excess saliva. Saliva is an alkaline substance and combats the bacteria and foreign bodies that can often result in cavities, halitosis, and other oral health risks.

Reduce the Risk of Stroke

Eating a carrot every day reduces the risk of stroke by 68%. Many studies have strengthened the belief in the “carrot effect” on the brain. Studies conducted on stroke patients revealed that those with the highest levels of beta-carotene had the highest survival rate.

Control Diabetes

Carrots are good for blood sugarregulation due to the presence of carotenoids in them. Carotenoids inversely affect insulin resistance and thus lower blood sugar, thereby helping diabetics live a normal, healthy life. They also regulate the amount of insulin and glucose that is being used and metabolized by the body, providing a healthy fluctuation in diabetics.

Saves eyesight, protect your heart, prevent constipation,combat cancer, promote weight loss.


7 Raw Garlic Benefits for Fighting Disease

Intensely aromatic and flavorful, garlic is used in virtually every cuisine in the world. When eaten raw, it has a powerful, pungent flavor to match the truly mighty garlic benefits. Garlic is particularly high in certain sulfur compounds that are believed to be responsible for its scent and taste, as well as its very positive effects on human health.

Garlic benefits rank only second to turmeric benefits in the amount of research backing this superfood. At the time of this article’s publication, there were more than 5,100 peer-reviewed articles that evaluated garlic’s ability to prevent and improve a wide spectrum of diseases.

 This research revealed..

Eating garlic regularly is not only good for us; it has been linked to reducing or even helping to prevent four of the major causes of death worldwide, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and infections. (1) The National Cancer Institute does not recommend any dietary supplement for cancer prevention, but it does recognize garlic as one of several vegetables with potential anticancer properties. (2)

Other than the most extreme, rare situations, I believe every person on the planet should consume garlic. It’s extremely cost-effective, super easy to grow and tastes absolutely fantastic. So find out more about garlic benefits, garlic uses, garlic research, how to grow your own garlic and some great-tasting garlic recipes.

 Benefits of Garlic

7 Medicinal Raw Garlic Benefits

As you are about to see, raw garlic benefits are plentiful. It can used as an effective form of plant-based medicine in many ways, including the following.

1. Garlic for Heart Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States, followed by cancer. (3) Garlic has been widely recognized as both a preventative agent and treatment of many cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, includingatherosclerosis,hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, hypertension and diabetes. A scientific review of experimental and clinical studies of garlic benefits found that, overall, garlic consumption has significant cardioprotective effects in both animal and human studies. (4)

Probably the most amazing characteristic of garlic is that it’s been shown to help reverse early heart disease by removing plaque buildup in arteries. A 2016 randomized, double-blind study published in the Journal of Nutrition involved 55 patients, aged 40 to 75 years, who had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. The results of the study showed that aged garlic extract effectively reduced plaque in coronary arteries (the arteries supplying blood to the heart) for patients with metabolic syndrome. (5)

One of the lead researchers, Matthew J. Budoff, M.D., said, “This study is another demonstration of the benefits of this supplement in reducing the accumulation of soft plaque and preventing the formation of new plaque in the arteries, which can cause heart disease. We have completed four randomized studies, and they have led us to conclude that Aged Garlic Extract can help slow the progression of atherosclerosis and reverse the early stages of heart disease.”(6)

2. Garlic for Cancer

Allium vegetables, especially garlic and onions, and their bioactive sulfur compounds are believed to have effects at each stage of cancer formation and affect many biological processes that modify cancer risk. (7)

In the words of the NIH National Cancer Institute, “Several population studies show an association between increased intake of garlic and reduced risk of certain cancers, including cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast.” It also includes an answer to a very key question: How can garlic act to prevent cancer? The National Cancer Institute explains that “protective effects from garlic may arise from its antibacterial properties or from its ability to block the formation of cancer-causing substances, halt the activation of cancer-causing substances, enhance DNA repair, reduce cell proliferation, or induce cell death.”

A French study of 345 breast cancer patients found that increased garlic, onion and fiber consumption were associated with a statistically significant reduction in breast cancer risk. (8) Another cancer that garlic has been specifically shown to positively affect is pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly forms cancer. The good news is that scientific research has now shown that increased garlic consumption may reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

A population-based study conducted in the San Francisco Bay area found that pancreatic cancer risk was 54 percent lower in people who ate larger amounts of garlic and onions compared with those who ate lower amounts. The study also showed that increasing the overall intake of vegetables and fruits may protect against developing pancreatic cancer. (9)

Garlic also shows promise when it comes to treating cancer. Garlic’s organosulfur compounds, including DATS, DADS, ajoene, and S-allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC), have been found to induce cell cycle arrest when added to cancer cells during in vitro experiments. In addition, these sulfur compounds have been found to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) when added to various cancer cell lines grown in culture. Taking liquid garlic extract and S-allylcysteine (SAC) orally has also been reported to increase cancer cell death in animal models of oral cancer. (10)

Overall, garlic clearly show some real potential as acancer-fighting food that should not be ignored or discounted.

3. Garlic for High Blood Pressure

An interesting phenomenon of garlic is that has been shown to help control high blood pressure. One study looked at the effect of aged garlic extract as an adjunct treatment for people already taking antihypertensive medication yet still having uncontrolled hypertension. Garlic showed itself to be highly effective once again. The study, published in the scientific journal Maturitas, evaluated 50 people with “uncontrollable” blood pressure. It was uncovered that simply taking four capsules of aged garlic extract (960 k) daily for three months caused blood pressure to drop by an average of 10 points. (11)

Another study published in 2014 found that garlic has “the potential to lower BP in hypertensive individuals similarly to standard BP medication.” So garlic, specifically in the form of the standardizable and highly tolerable aged garlic extract for this study, could work just as well as prescription hypertension medications. This study further explains that garlic’s polysulfides promote the opening or widening of blood vessels and, hence, blood pressure reduction.

4. Garlic for Colds and Infections

Experiments have shown that garlic (or specific chemical compounds like allicin found in garlic) is highly effective at killing countless microorganisms responsible for some of the most common and rarest infections, including the common cold. Garlic actually might help prevent colds as well as other infections.

In one study, people took either garlic supplements or a placebo for 12 weeks during cold season (between November and February). The garlic takers were less likely to get a cold, and if they did get a cold, they recovered faster than the placebo group. Those who didn’t take garlic (placebo group) had a much greater likelihood of contracting more than one cold over the 12-week treatment period. The study attributes garlic’s ability to prevent the common cold virus to its star biologically active component component, allicin. (13)

Garlic’s antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties can help relieve the common cold as well as other infections. Garlic’s allicin in particular is believed to play an important role in this vegetable’s antimicrobial powers.

5. Garlic for Male and Female Hair Loss (Alopecia)

A clinical trial was conducted to test what a survey has shown to be a growing practice in Turkey: using garlic to treat baldness. Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences researchers from Iran tested how garlic gel applied on the scalp twice a day for three months could affect people taking corticosteroids for alopecia. Alopecia is a common autoimmune skin disease, causing hair loss on the scalp, face and sometimes on other areas of the body. Different treatments are currently available, but no cure is yet known.

The researchers discovered that the use of garlic gel significantly added to the therapeutic efficacy of topical corticosteroid in the treatment of alopecia areata. (14)  Although the study didn’t test it directly, applying garlic-infused coconut oil as a standalone treatment might even be more beneficial as ahair loss remedy because it mitigates the risk of absorbing harmful corticosteroids in the skin.

6. Garlic for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is a form ofdementia that can rob people of the ability to think clearly, perform everyday tasks and, ultimately, remember who they even are. Garlic contains antioxidants that can support the body’s protective mechanisms against oxidative damage that can contribute to these cognitive illnesses.

When it comes to Alzheimer’s patients, β-amyloid peptide plaques are commonly observed in the central nervous system, and these plaque deposits result in the production of reactive oxygen species and neuronal (cells in the nervous system) damage. A study published in the Journal of Neurochemistryfound “significant neuroprotective and neurorescue properties” of aged garlic extract and its active compound S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC). The researchers conclude from their findings that aged garlic extract along with SAC can be used to develop future drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease. (15)

7. Garlic for Diabetes

Garlic has shown its ability to help diabetics as well. Eating garlic has been shown to helpregulate blood sugar levels, potentially stop or decrease the effects of some diabetes complications, as well as fight infections, reduce LDL cholesterol and encourage circulation. (16)

A study of diabetic rats showed that garlic may be very helpful at improving the overall health of diabetics, including the mitigation of common diabetic complications like atherosclerosis and nephropathy. These rats, which received a daily extract of raw garlic for seven weeks, significantly had lowered serum glucose (blood sugar level), cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Compared to the control group, the rats receiving raw garlic had 57 percent less serum glucose, 40 percent lower serum cholesterol levels and 35 percent lower triglycerides. In addition, urinary protein levels in garlic-treated rats were 50 percent lower. (17)

Another study also showed that for type II diabetes patients, garlic significantly improved blood cholesterol levels. Specifically, garlic consumption reduced total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol and moderately raised HDL cholesterol compared to placebo. (18)

All of this shows how garlic benefits diabetics as part of adiabetic diet plan.

Best Ways to Use Garlic

Garlic is best used raw for microbial properties, although cooked garlic still has a lot of value. In fact, the antioxidant value is equal (or sometimes even higher) when cooked, which is counterintuitive because for most foods, cooking tends to decrease nutritional content.

You can add raw garlic to recipes that are sautéed, roasted or baked. You can also toss some raw garlic into your next homemade salad dressing, marinade, tomato sauce, soup or stew to get all these wonderful garlic benefits. Adding raw garlic to any vegetable, fish or meat is sure to intensify the flavor and health benefits.

Whether you’re ultimately using garlic raw or cooked, you can up the garlic benefits by chopping or crushing it and letting it sit before eating it or heating it for a recipe. The chopping activates alliinase enzymes in the garlic’s cells, and the sitting allows these enzymes to convert some of the garlic’s allin into allicin. Allicin then rapidly breaks down to form a variety of organosulfur compounds. Scientists suggest allowing garlic to stand for 10 minutes after chopping or crushing before cooking it.

Another way to use garlic is for infections. Using garlic oil is an excellent ear infection home remedy that can really work.

Traditional cultures that don’t typically struggle with these types of diseases receive regular intake of garlic in their diets and don’t require medical interventions because heart disease, cancer and inflammatory-based illnesses are easily preventable when eating the right foods.

For general health promotion for adults, the World Health Organization recommends a daily dose of two to five grams (about one clove) of fresh garlic, 0.4 to 1.2 grams of dried garlic powder, two to five milligrams of garlic oil, 300 to 1,000 milligrams of garlic extract, or other formulations that are equal to two to five milligrams of allicin. (19)

Garlic is best stored at room temperature and should always be kept dry (to prevent it from sprouting).

Garlic Recipes for Healing

If you want to harness the healing power of garlic, try adding it to some of your favorite recipes. The possibilities with garlic are truly endless.

Here are a few of my favorite garlic recipes to try so you can get all the health-promoting garlic benefits you can:

Garlic Baked ChickenGarlic Sweet Potato SoupGarlic Basil PestoSpicy Garlic Heart Health Juice

Garlic Nutrition Facts

Garlic grows underneath the soil in the form of a bulb. This bulb has long green shoots that come out from the top while its roots extend downward. Garlic (Allium sativum) is a perennial plant of the amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae), a class of bulb-shaped plants, which include chives, leeks, onions and scallions.

The garlic plant is native to central Asia but grows wild in Italy as well as southern France. The bulb of the plant is what we all know as garlic, the vegetable. What is a garlic clove? The garlic bulb is covered with several layers of inedible papery skin that when peeled away reveal up to 20 edible bulblets called cloves inside.

Garlic contains countless vital nutrients — flavonoids, oligosaccharides, amino acids, allicin and high levels of sulfur (just to name a few) — and eating garlic regularly has been proven to provide unbelievable health benefits. Raw garlic also contains approximately 0.1 percent essential oil of which the main components include allyl propyl disulfide, diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide.

Raw garlic is conventionally measured for cooking and medicinal purposes by the clove. Each garlic clove is packed with health-promoting components.

A clove of raw garlic contains about:

4 calories1 gram carbohydrates0.2 gram protein0.1 gram fiber0.1 milligram manganese (3 percent DV)0.9 milligram vitamin C (2 percent DV)5.4 milligrams calcium (1 percent DV)0.4 micrograms selenium (1 percent DV)

These are just some of the top nutrients found in garlic. Garlic also contains alliin and allicin, which are both health-promoting sulfur compounds. Garlic’s allicin benefits are especially well-researched in studies. Scientists are interested in the potential for these sulfur compounds derived from garlic to prevent and treat chronic and deadly diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, among other garlic benefits.

 How to Grow Garlic at Home

Garlic is one of the more simple crops to grow. It thrives in different zones all across the United States. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we should plant our cloves during the fall season and harvest them in late spring/early summer.

Don’t throw away any left over cloves from your next curry dish. Garlic clove food scraps are amazingly simple to use to regrow garlic plants. Plant the cloves root-end down in a sunny spot in your garden and trim off the shoots once the bulb produces them. Garlic flourishes in dry, loose, well-drained soils in sunny locations.

Garlic History and Interesting Facts

Garlic has a more than 7,000-year-old history of human consumption and use. In ancient and medieval times, it was revered for its medicinal properties and was carried as a charm against vampires and other evils. In France during the early 18th century, gravediggers drank wine containing crushed garlic to protect themselves from the plague. During both World War I and II, garlic was used as an antiseptic for wounds and was given to prevent infections (like gangrene) in soldiers.

Each bulb of garlic is made up of four to 20 cloves with each clove of garlic weighing about a gram. Garlic supplements can be made from fresh, dried or aged garlic, or garlic oil.

Black garlic is a type of caramelized garlic, which was first used as a food ingredient in Asian cooking. To create black garlic, heads of garlic are heated over the course of several weeks. This heating process makes the garlic black in color. It also makes it sweet and syrupy. Black garlic is now available for purchase in the United States.

Potential Raw Garlic Side Effects

When taken by mouth, raw garlic can cause burning a sensation in the mouth or stomach, bad breath, heartburn, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, body odor, and diarrhea. The likelihood of these side effects increase with an increase in the amount of raw garlic consumed.

In general, garlic in any form can increase bleeding risk because it acts as a natural blood thinner. Speak to your doctor before consuming raw garlic if you take blood thinners. Due to bleeding concerns, stop taking garlic at least two weeks before any scheduled surgery.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, garlic is believed to be safe in food amounts but might be unsafe in medicinal amounts.

When taken by mouth in appropriate, small amounts for short periods of time, garlic is said to be safe for children. However, garlic should never be given to children in large doses.

If you have any gastrointestinal problems, it’s important to know that raw garlic can irritate the GI tract. People with ulcers should most likely avoid raw garlic.

Raw garlic can cause severe, burn-like skin irritation if applied to the skin alone directly so be cautious with skin contact.

Talk to your doctor before consuming raw garlic if you have low blood pressure, ulcers or other GI issues, thyroid problems, or any other ongoing health concerns.

Also speak with your doctor before consuming raw garlic medicinally if you are taking any medications.

Lowers cholesterol, controls blood pressure,combats cancer, kills bacteria, fights fungus.

What Are Grapefruits?

Grapefruits are fruits that are high in fiber and low in calories, and they contain bioflavonoids and other plant chemicals that protect against serious diseases like cancer, heartdisease, and the formation of tumors. Grapefruits increase the body’s metabolic rate, lower insulin levels, and give you a feeling of fullness. They assist the human body in fighting various conditions like fatigue, fever, malaria, diabetes,constipation, indigestion, urinary problems, excess acidity, and many more.

There are plenty of health benefits grapefruits have, which are also known to be powerful drug/poison eliminators. These fruits work as a natural antiseptic for externalwounds and also function as a liver tonic. They contain a high amount of water, which helps in changing the complexion of the skin and increasing the body’s metabolic rate. The pulp and fiber of grapefruits have a healthy bulking action to our food intake, which aidsin bowel movements and reduces chances of colon cancer. Grapefruits also help to quench thirst and thus, reduce the burning sensation that arises during fever.

Health Benefits Of Grapefruits

The health benefits of grapefruits are as follows:

Suppress Appetite

Grapefruit works as an excellent appetite suppressant as compared to many other foods. It is said that smell of the grapefruit reduces the feeling of hunger, which is the reason why people often include grapefruits in their weight lossprograms. The high amounts of fiber in these fruits can also satisfy hunger, help people avoid overeating, andstimulate cholecystokinin to be released, a hormone that regulates digestive juices and acts as a hunger suppressant.

Treat Influenza

Grapefruit is a valuable remedy for influenza since it helps minimize acidity in the system. The bitter properties arising from an essence called ‘naringin’ in grapefruits tone up the system and the digestive process. Naringin is also considered a flavonoid, which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants have antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory qualities, making them one of the most important lines of defense in the immune system, protecting against influenza as well as many other serious conditions.

Treat Malaria

The juice or grapefruit itself contains valuable and natural quinine, which is advantageous for the treatment of malaria. Quinine is an alkaloid with a long history of treating malaria, as well as lupus,arthritis, and nocturnal leg cramps. It is not an easy component to find in many foods, so grapefruits are a beneficial and rare example. The quinine can be easily extracted from the fruits by boiling a quarter of grapefruit and straining the pulp.

Cure Fever

The pulp or the juice of grapefruit helps patients recover quickly from fever, and it reduces the burning sensation that occurs when the body reaches a high temperature. It is also known as a way to boost the immune system against cold and other common illnesses. Grapefruit juice, when combined with water, can quench thirst very quickly and keep you hydrated for longer. Most of these benefits come from the high content of vitamin C in grapefruits, which acts as a general immune system defense system and can help the body in fighting the fever.

Reduce Fatigue

Grapefruits are beneficial in the treatment of fatigue as they can help you dispel your tiredness caused by routine or boring work. Drinking grapefruit juice can be a refreshing and delicious way to quickly boost your energy levels. Nootkatone is a very rare and important compound found within grapefruits and is probably its most valuable component in terms of extracting as an aromatic substance. Nootkatone improves energymetabolism in the body through AMPK activation. This results in higher endurance and boosted energy, increased weight loss, and a reduction in the chances of developing diabetes.

Treat Indigestion

Grapefruit is useful for indigestion. It is very light as compared to other foods and thus, acts immediately on indigestion by easing the heat and irritation caused in the stomach. It improves the flow of digestive juices, which facilitates the movement of the bowels and keeps your excretory system regulated. This is due to the presence of fiber and vegetative pulp in grapefruits that adds bulk to the bowels and regulates your excretory schedule. Grapefruit extract is also often used in modern medicine for these same reasons.

Promote Sleep

A glass of grapefruit juice, if consumed before going to bed, can promote healthy sleep and alleviate the irritating symptoms and repercussions of insomnia. This is due to the presence of tryptophan in grapefruits, the chemical we often associate with becoming sleepy after big meals. The levels of tryptophan in grapefruit juice enable us to nod off peacefully.

Control Diabetes

Diabetics can eat grapefruits as they can reduce the level of starch in the body. Intake of grapefruits can help them regulate the flow of sugar in their body, effectively handling the disease. Recent studies have shown this beneficial relationship between diabetes and grapefruits due to the flavonoid content of grapefruits, along with a number of other health benefits.

Reduce Acidity

Fresh grapefruit juice creates an alkaline condition in the intestines for proper digestion. The citric acid of the fruit is contained in the human body and thus it increases the efficiency of the alkalinity reaction after digestion. The juice extracted from grapefruits is beneficial in preventing acid formation and many other diseases that arise due to the presence of excess acidity in the body.

Eliminate Constipation

A glass full of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice in the morning is a great remedy to controlconstipation. The juice stimulates the colon and other parts of the body relating to the digestive system. This is due to the stimulating effect of fiber on the secretion and stimulation of gastric juices that ease the constriction of the digestive tract and induce a bowel movement.

Remove Flatulence

10 to 20 drops of grapefruit juice, taken before all three meals of the day, can work as an appropriate probiotic and digestive enzyme andwill relieve excess flatulence and stomach discomfort. Further research needs to be done on the exact mechanism behind this phenomenon, but again, people believe it relates to flavonoid content in citrus fruits like grapefruits.

Treat Urinary Disorders

Grapefruit juice is quite rich in potassium and vitamin C, so it is one of the best treatments for issues related to urination often caused by liver, kidney or heart problems. Furthermore, its high potassium content works as a vasodilator, meaning that blood vessels and arteries relax, thereby reducing blood pressure and lessening the risk of heart attack and stroke. Also, increased levels of potassium have been associated with higher cognitive function because of increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain!

Other Benefits

Grapefruits are natural sources of medicine that help the body fight off various diseases. They are better than artificial pharmaceuticals to relieve your most basic health conditions. They enable the human body to regulate cholesterol, which means that they minimize the risk of cardiovascular diseases caused by high cholesterol. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows that consumption of grapefruit can reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), as well as hazardous triglycerides.

Word of Caution: Despite all of these health benefits and the fact that sometimes grapefruits can be superior to other medicines in their efficacy, you must be very careful while taking medicines and consuming grapefruit juice at the same time. Certain chemicals in grapefruits, like naringin, and other less common compounds can negatively interact with various drugs and cause damage to your organ systems. Be sure to consult your doctor in terms of drug interactions with grapefruit juice in your diet before beginning any new treatment. You want to improve your health but sometimes doing it in too many different ways can hurt you!

Protects against heart attacks,promotes weight loss, helps stops strokes, combats prostate cancer, lowers cholesterol.


Health Benefits of Honey

1. Prevent cancer and heart disease
It contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.

2. Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders
Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis. This may be related to the 3rd benefit.

3. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-fungal
All honey is antibacterial because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide.

4. Increase athletic performance
Ancient Olympic athletes would eat honey and dried figs to enhance their performance. This has now been verified with modern studies, showing that it is superior in maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery time than other sweeteners.

5. Reduces a cough and throat irritation
It helps with coughs, particularly buckwheat honey. In a study of 105 children, a single dose of buck wheat honey was just as effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan in relieving nocturnal cough and allowing proper sleep.

6. Balance the 5 elements
It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine in India for at least 4000 years and is considered to affect all three of the body’s primitive material imbalances positively. It is also said to be useful in improving eyesight, weight loss, curing impotence and premature ejaculation, urinary tract disorders, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, and nausea.

Honey is referred as “Yogavahi” since it has a quality of penetrating the deepest tissues of the body. When honey is used with other herbal preparations, it enhances the medicinal qualities of those preparations and also helps them to reach the deeper tissues.

7. Blood sugar regulation
Even though it contains simple sugars, it is NOT the same as white sugar or artificial sweeteners. Its exact combination of fructose and glucose actually helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. Some kinds of honey do have a low hypoglycemic index, so they don’t jolt your blood sugar.  Watch this video Sweetener Comparison where I compare stevia, brown rice syrup, honey, molasses, and agave, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each.

8. Heal wounds and burns
External application of honey has been shown to be as effective as conventional treatment with silver sulfadiazine. It is speculated that the drying effect of the simple sugars and honey’s antibacterial nature combine to create this effect. Studies have shown it to be very successful in healing wounds.

9. Probiotic
Some varieties possess large amounts of friendly bacteria. This includes up to 6 species of lactobacilli and 4 species of bifidobacteria. This may explain many of the “mysterious therapeutic properties of honey.”

Honey Suggestions

If you want to get the goodness from your honey, make sure it is pure and raw.
Raw honey contains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes not present in refined honey.


Best not to feed to infants. Spores of Clostridium botulinum have been found in a small percentage of honey in North America. This is not dangerous to adults and older children, but infants can have a serious reaction of illness in the first year. Do not add honey to baby food or use as a soother to quiet a fussy or colicky baby. Most Canadian honey is not contaminated with the bacteria causing infant botulism, but it’s still best not to take the chance. “Do not let babies eat honey,” states, a website of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.It is a sugar, so do not eat jars full of it if you value your good health and want to maintain a healthy weight. It has a high caloric value and will put you on a sugar high and low.

To cook with honey or not: There is some controversy about cooking with it, although I cannot substantiate it from all of my research about honey.

when honey is heated above 108 degrees Fahrenheit, it becomes transformed into a glue-like substance that is extremely difficult to digest. This substance is considered a toxin (ama), since it adheres to the tissues of the body and is very difficult to remove.

Medicinal Uses of Honey

What researchers are learning about honey's possible health benefits.

Honey has a long medicinal history. The ancient Egyptians not only made offerings of honey to their gods, they also used it as an embalming fluid and a dressing for wounds. On that last point, at least, they were on to something.

Today, many people swarm to honey for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Holistic practitioners consider it one of nature's best all-around remedies.

But outside of the laboratory, claims for honey's healthfulness are unproven -- except in the area of wound care and, to a lesser extent, cough suppression.

Here's the truth behind the claims about honey's health benefits -- and an important warning.

Never Give Honey to an Infant

Honey is natural and considered harmless for adults. But pediatricians strongly caution against feeding honey to children under 1 year old.
Do not let babies eat honey.

That's because of the risk of botulism. The spores of the botulism bacteria are found in dust and soil that may make their way into honey. Infants do not have a developed immune system to defend against infection.

It's been shown very clearly that honey can give infants botulism,a paralytic disorder in which the infant must be given anti-toxins and often be placed on a respirator in an intensive care unit. Bhatia has never seen a case of infantbotulism.

But parents may feed their infants cereals that contain honey. It's cooked, so it's OK.  "we're talking about honey out of the bottle.''

Honey and Wound Care

Manuka honey is sometimes used to treat chronic leg ulcers and pressure sores.

Manuka honey is made in New Zealand from the nectar of Leptospermum scoparium. It's the basis of Medihoney, which the FDA approved in 2007 for use in treating wounds and skin ulcers. It works very well to stimulate healing.

Medihoney has been our standard for healing wounds in the past year, since it started coming on the market. A healing wound, whether chronic or acute, is a clean, granulating wound that is absent of bacteria and swelling.

Heals wounds, Aids digestion, guides against ulcers, increases energy, fights allergies.


Magical Benefits of Onion.

North Indians love onions with thier meals. This tradition is backed by scientific knowledge Onions are a power house of benefits.

Magical Benefits of  Onions

1) Raw onion is known to lower the production of LDL (bad cholesterol) and keep your heart healthy.

2) The vitamin C (which remains intact while they are in the raw form) along with the phytochemicals present in onions helps build immunity.

3) Quercetin, a powerful compound found in onions, has been suggested to play a role in preventing cancer, especially stomach and colorectal cancers.

4) Chromium, also present in this root vegetable, may help regulate blood sugar.

5) A mixture of onion juice and honey (which helps make it less pungent) is said to be effective as a cure for fever, common cold, allergies, etc.

6) Keep a small piece of onion under the nostrils and inhale, to stop or slow down a nose bleed.

7) Folate in onions also helps with depressionand aids sleep and appetite.

8) The vitamin C helps formation of collagen that is responsible for skin and hair health.

9) Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of onions have been proven. One study also suggested that freshly chopped raw onions have these anti-bacterial properties, not chopped onion which has been allowed to sit for a day or two.

10) Chewing raw onions improve our oral health (though your breath may stink). They help eliminate bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum issues.

The flavonoids in onion, which are responsible for many of the health benefits above, are usually more concentrated in the outer layers of the bulb. To get the maximum benefit, try to peel as little of the outer skin as possible. Over-peel and you can end up with unwanted loss of flavonoids. It is estimated that a red onion may lose about 20% of its quercetin and almost 75% of its anthocyanins if it is over-peeled.

An estimated 105 billion pounds of onions are grown across the world every year and the vegetable is supposed to have been cultivated since 5000 years. They are very popular in some cuisines in India, Chinese, Mexican etc. You may hate chopping them because of the tears, but there are some quick tips to take care of that too. Love it or hate it, onions play a pivotal role in the food culture of our country. And given the health benefits above, it is no surprise.

Reduce risk of heart attack, combat cancer, kill bacteria (bactericidal), lower cholesterol, fights fungal infections.

Benefits Of Pineapples

Pineapple, a delicious tropical fruit, has been celebrated for centuries not only for its unique taste but also for its miraculous health benefits. The health and medicinal benefits of pineapple include boosting the immune system, and respiratory health, aiding digestion, strengthening bones, reducing inflammation, curing coughs and colds, and weight loss.

What Is Pineapple?

Pineapple, also known as ananas, is a delicious tropical fruit that is surrounded by thorny spikes and topped with hard, waxy leaves that are sometimes up to thirty per fruit. The fruit is up to a foot long and has a combination of sweet and tart taste.

Pineapple belongs to the Bromeliaceae family and is actually a composite fruit made of coalesced berries that grow at the crown of a fruiting tree. The name pineapple evolved in the 17th century due to its structure and appearance being similar to pine cones.

Historically, Hawaii had the largest production of pineapples, but they are now cultivated in large quantities in Brazil, the Philippines, and Costa Rica. That being said, the fruit is native to Paraguay and Brazil, and possibly parts of the Caribbean. The exact evolution of pineapple as a popular global fruit is still unknown; however, it is believed that pineapple was first brought to Europe following Christopher Columbus’s return in 1493.

The fruiting season of pineapple runs from March until June, and each tree can produce a number offruits. It is eaten fresh, juiced, cooked, or preserved, and its leaves are even used as wallpaper and ceiling insulation. Pineapple and its juice are enjoyed around the world most famously as the tropical drink, pina colada, and even as a popular flavor in alcoholic beverages.

Nutritional Value Of Pineapple

Pineapples are a storehouse of several health benefits due to its wealth of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, including potassium,copper, manganese, calcium,magnesium, vitamin C, beta-carotene, thiamin, vitamin B6, and folate, and bromelain, as well as soluble and insoluble fiber.

Health Benefits Of Pineapple

The pineapple fruit is known to offer several benefits. Let us discuss each benefit in detail below.

Treats Arthritis

One of the most celebrated uses of pineapple in terms of health is its ability to reduce the inflammation of joints and muscles, particularly those associated with arthritis, a debilitating disease that affects millions of people around the world. Pineapple contains a relatively rare proteolytic enzyme calledbromelain, which is primarily associated with breaking down complex proteins and has serious anti-inflammatory effects. Bromelain is also positively correlated with reducing the signs and symptoms of arthritis in many.

Boosts Immunity

A single serving of pineapple has more than 130% of the dailyrequirement of vitamin C for human beings, making it one of the richest and most delicious sources of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps in reducing illnesses and boosting the immune system by stimulating the activity of white blood cells and acting as an antioxidant to defend against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous byproducts of cellularmetabolism that can damage various organ systems and disrupt function, as well as cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous ones. The vitamin C content of pineapple defends against this.

Speeds-up Wound Healing

One of the commonly overlooked benefits of vitamin C is its essential role in creating collagen. This is partly the reason why it is seen as ahealing vitamin because collagen is the essential protein base of blood vessel walls, skin, organs, and bones. High vitamin C content in pineapple helps you heal wounds and injuries quickly, and also defends your body against infections and illnesses.

Prevents Cancer

Pineapple has been directly related to preventing cancers of the mouth, throat, and breast, as it is rich in various antioxidants, includingvitamin A, beta carotene, bromelain, various flavonoid compounds, and high levels of manganese. Manganese is an important cofactor of superoxide dismutase, an extremely potent free radical scavenger that has been associated with a number of different cancers.

Aids in Digestion

Eating pineapples regularly can protect you from a vast amount of health conditions, includingconstipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, atherosclerosis, and blood clotting, as well as high blood pressure. Pineapple, being rich in fiber, promotes the passage of food through the digestive tract at a normal rate and stimulates the release of gastric and digestive juices to help food dissolve. It also bulks up the loose stool, which helps in treating diarrhea and IBS. Furthermore, the bromelain in pineapple stimulates protein digestion, reduces gut inflammation, and therefore, treats digestive diseases.

Treats Cough and Cold

Pineapple is rich in both bromelainand vitamin C, therefore eating pineapple helps in preventing and treating respiratory illnesses, while eliminating phlegm and mucus from your body if you’ve already contracted an illness or infection. The immune system boosting property of vitamin C is well known, but the special enzyme, bromelain, is also connected with the reduction of phlegm and mucus build up in the respiratory tracts and sinus cavities.

Improves Bone Health

Although pineapple is not famous for having strong calcium content, which most people immediately associate with bone health, it does have an impressive amount of manganese. Manganese is another trace mineral essential for the strengthening of bones, as well as their growth and repair. It is the most prominent mineral in pineapple, and a single serving can provide you with more than 70% of your daily requirement of this mineral.

Improves Oral Health

Along with the antioxidant compounds that protect against oral cancer, pineapple also has astringent properties, whichstrengthen gums and teeth. Astringent agents help tighten up tissues and tone the body so that tooth loss, hair loss, muscle weakness and skin loosening do not occur. Pineapple is a very powerful astringent and is often prescribed as a natural remedy to fix the loosening of teeth or for the retraction of gums.

Improves Vision

The eye is the most important sensory organ of the human body and pineapple has the ability to improve eye health and prevent other age-related eye diseases. Macular degeneration affects many elderly people, and beta-carotenepresent in pineapple can help delay this vision problem.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Pineapple is a valuable source of many minerals, and potassium is among them. Potassium deficiency can result in a wide array of health hazards. The vasodilator action of potassium eases the tension andstress of the blood vessels and increases blood circulation to various parts of the body. When your blood vessels relax, the blood pressure is reduced and the flow of blood is less restricted. This can prevent clots from blocking the flow of blood and reduce the accumulation of plaque in the arteries and vessels which, in turn, help prevent conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. So, eat pineapples for a healthy heart!

Improves Blood Circulation

In a related benefit to the vasodilating potential of potassium, pineapple also provides the bodywith copper, another essential mineral that functions in a number of enzymatic reactions and compounds in the body. Most notably, copper is a necessary element for the formation of healthy red blood cells. High red blood cell count increases oxygenation to the various organ systems and makes them function at optimal levels. It also increases cognitive abilities and can maintain neural pathways to prevent neural disorders likedementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The benefits of eating pineapple are clear from the impressive list of qualities that you just read, but any food or fruit should be eaten in moderation, including pineapple. The bromelain enzyme present in pineapple is primarily a meat-tenderizing enzyme, which helps in the digestion of tough foods. This can result in the softening or tenderness of your ‘meat’ as well, meaning that your lips, gums, and tongue may experience some tenderness or sensitivity if you eat too much pineapple. Bromelain and vitamin C are present in high proportions in pineapple, and an “overdose” can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and nausea. Also, bromelain has been known to stimulate menstruation, so pregnant women should avoid excessive intake of pineapple in order to prevent any chances of a miscarriage.

Keeping the health concerns in mind, grab one of these spiky tropical fruits and dig in. Your body will thank you for it!

Strengthens bone, relieves colds, aids digestion, dissolves warts, blocks diarrhea.


 Impressive Benefits Of Tomatoes

The health benefits of tomatoes include eye care, good stomach health, and a reduced blood pressure. They provide relief fromdiabetes, skin problems, and urinary tract infections too. Furthermore, they improve digestion, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, improve fluid balance, protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation. Tomatoes consist of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer. They are also a rich source ofvitamins and minerals and exert a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.

What Is A Tomato?

Tomato is considered both, a fruit and a vegetable and forms an integral part of cuisines across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. Daily consumption of tomatoes provides a great boost to the health, along with improving the flavor of food. You can find them in different foods like pasta, pizzas, ketchup, and variousbeverages. They are relatively easy to cultivate and grow very quickly, making them a great food source, which is a big reason why tomatoes are a staple food for many nations.

The scientific name of tomatoes is Solanum lycopersicum and they are believed to be native to Mexico. However, the Spanish colonization of America and Central America caused tomato cultivation to spread. They are an annual nightshade plant and grow in clusters of small to moderately sized, round red fruits. They have soft, pinkish red flesh and a number of seeds, as well as a slightly sweet taste. They are considered both, vegetables and fruits and weigh approximately 4 ounces.

Nowadays, tomatoes are grown in countries all over the world and there are thousands of cultivars and varieties that can provide you with unique health benefits. Let’s explore a few of the reasons why they are such a valuable food item for human health.

Tomatoes Nutrition Facts

The health benefits of tomatoes can be attributed to their wealth of nutrients and vitamins, including an impressive amount of vitamin A,vitamin C, and vitamin K, as well as significant amounts of vitamin B6, folate, and thiamine. They are also a good source of potassium,manganese, magnesium,phosphorus, and copper. They have dietary fiber and protein, as well as a number of organic compounds like lycopene that contribute to their health benefits.

Health Benefits Of Tomatoes

The health benefits of tomatoes have been known to mankind since ancient times. They are rich sources of antioxidants that have been proven to be effective against many forms of cancer. Let’s discuss the benefits in detail.

Antioxidant Agent

Tomato contains a large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly effective in scavenging cancer-causing free radicals. This benefit can even be obtained from heat-processed tomato products like ketchup. The lycopene in tomatoes defends against cancer and has been shown to be effective in fightingprostate cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the stomach and rectum as well as pharynx and esophageal cancers. It also protects against breast and mouth cancer, according to studies published by the Harvard School of Public Health.

Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals

A single tomato can provide about 40% of the daily vitamin C requirement. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant which prevents cancer-causing free radicals from damaging the body’s systems. It also contains abundant vitamin A and potassium, as well as iron. Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining nerve health and iron is essential for maintaining normal blood circulation. Vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and controlling bleeding, is also abundant in tomatoes.

Protect the Heart

The lycopene in tomatoes prevents serum lipid oxidation, thus exerting a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. A regular consumption of tomatoes has been proven to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. These lipids are the key culprits in cardiovascular diseases and lead to the deposition of fats in the blood vessels.

Counter the Effect of Smoking Cigarette

The coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid, in tomatoes, fight against nitrosamines, which are the main carcinogens found in cigarettes. The presence of vitamin A in high quantities has been shown to reduce the effects of carcinogens and can protect you against lung cancer.

Improve Vision

Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, aidsin improving vision and preventing night-blindness and macular degeneration. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can be formed from an excess of beta-carotene in the body. A lot of vision problems occur due to the negative effects of free radicals and vitamin A, being a powerful antioxidant, can help prevent them.

Aid in Digestion

Tomatoes keep the digestive system healthy by preventing bothconstipation and diarrhea. They also prevent jaundice and effectively remove toxins from the body. Furthermore, they have a large amount of fiber, which can bulk the bowels and reduce symptoms of constipation. A healthy amount of fiber helps stimulate peristaltic motion in the smooth digestive muscles and release gastric and digestive juices. This can regulate your bowel movements, thereby improving your overall digestive health and helping you avoid conditions like colorectal cancer.

Lower Hypertension

Consuming a tomato daily reduces the risk of developing hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. This is partially due to the impressive levels of potassium found in tomatoes. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it reduces the tension in blood vessels and arteries, thereby increasing circulation and lowering the stresson the heart by eliminating hypertension.

Manage Diabetes

A study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that daily consumption of tomatoes reduces the oxidative stress of type 2 diabetes.

Skin Care

Tomatoes aid in maintaining healthy teeth, bones, hair, and skin. Topical application of tomato juice is even known to cure severesunburns. Daily consumption protects the skin against UV-induced erythema. They rank high in the preparation of anti-agingproducts.

Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Tomato intake reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections, as well as bladder cancer. This is because tomatoes are high in water content, which can stimulate urination; hence, they are a diuretic. This increases the elimination of toxins from the body, as well as excess water, salts, uric acid, and some fats as well!

Prevent Gallstones

Regular consumption of tomatoes can provide relief from gallstones. There have been various studies to prove their efficacy against many chronic diseases and varieties of cancer. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes can also be derived from processed foods like ketchup and purees. Daily consumption of tomatoes fulfills the requirement of vitamins and minerals and exerts an overall protective effect on the body.

Why Are Organic Tomatoes Better?

Organic tomatoes, according to a study at the University of California, are produced in an environment that has a lower nutrient supply, since nitrogen-rich chemical fertilizers are not added. This leads to excessive formation of antioxidants such as quercetin (79% higher) and kaempferol (97% higher) in organic tomatoes. As we all know, antioxidants are good for health and help in reducing heart diseases. Moreover, chemical-based tomato farming involves spraying tomatoes with large quantities of pesticides and insecticides. Tomatoes are a highly sprayed crop throughout the world. Therefore, many organic food lovers believe that they are protected from chemical contamination when they eat the organic ones instead. Of course, organic farming is good for the environment as well!

Protect  prostate, combat cancer, lower cholesterol, protect your heart.


Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue

Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted!

2. Promotes Weight Loss

Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger (hello natural appetite suppressant!), raises your metabolism and has zero calories!

3. Flushes Out Toxins

Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections).

4. Improves Skin Complexion

Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around!

5. Maintains Regularity

Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

6. Boosts Immune System

A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks.

7. Natural Headache Remedy

Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines & back pains too!) which are commonly caused by dehydration.

8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains

Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.

9. Puts You In A Good Mood

When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and be happy!

10. Save Money!

Water is FREE! Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it’s STILL cheaper than that high sugar and fat-filled latte!

Quenches thirst, combats cancer, conquers kidney stones.

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