Saturday, 3 February 2018




5 eggs , 1/2 cup milk , ½ teaspoon corn starch ,pepper and salt
Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately and very stiff ,stir lightly together and add other ingredients .Bake in a buttered pudding dish and serve immediately

Bread crumbs and parsley rubbed fine ,a little chopped onion ,3 eggs beaten lightly
Add a cup of milk ,pepper ,salt and little nutmeg ,with a teaspoon of butter .Bake in a moderate oven


Separate the whites from the yolks keeping each separately .Salt the whites while beating to a stiff froth ,then spread on a platter .Place the yolks at regular distance apart in cavities made in the beaten whites ,and bake in a moderate oven till brown



Take the well-filled ears of corn ,cut the kernels down the center ,being careful not to loosen them from the cob ;then takeout the pulp by pressing downward with a knife .To 3 tablespoons of corn pulp add the well-beaten yolks of 3 eggs and a little salt .Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth ,mix with the corn , and put in a hot pan with a little butter .Cover , and place where it will not burn .When done ,fold over and serve on a hot dish

BANANAS (as a breakfast dish )

Slice bananas lengthwise ,put them in a buttered pan and brown in oven ; or they can be dipped in butter and fried or sliced and served cold with cream


Cut off tops ;take the seeds out and fill with sausage meat .Bake forty minutes


Soak 1 quart of pea beans over -night in cold water .In morning drain and place in earthen bean –pot with 1 teaspoon salt , ½ of pepper ,2 of sugar ,1 pound fat pork ,scored ,fill the pot with warm water and bake in a moderate oven all day ,as water evaporates adding sufficient to keep them moist .They cannot be baked too long


INGREDIENTS bling , salted water ,add 1 pint of the best vermicelli ;boil briskly ten minutes ,drain off all the water and serve hot with butter and cream


Scald and peel tomatoes and cut holes in the top of each .Make a rich salad dressing ,into which stir some cold peas ,beans and beets .finely chopped .Stuff the tomatoes with this ,and pour dressing over .Garnish the dish with fine lettuce leaves



½ Salt spoon pepper ,1 of salt , 1 teaspoonful mixed mustard ,1 tablespoonful powdered sugar , 3 tablespoonful of best olive oil , 3 tablespoonful cream , 2 tablespoonful vinegar , 1 hard –boiled egg


Take 3 tablespoonful of mustard ,mixed quite stiff .Pour on this slowly ¼ of a pint of best olive oil ,stirring rapidly till thick. Then add 3 eggs ,and after mixing slightly pour in slowly the remaining ¾ of a pint of oil ,stirring rapidly till the mixture forms a thick batter .Next take 1 teacup of best wine vinegar and juice of 1 lemon ,a small teaspoonful of salt 1 of white sugar .Stir until the ingredients are well mixed .When bottled and tightly corked ,this will remain good for months



Yolks of 1 or 2 eggs ,3 Tablespoons vinegar , 1 teaspoon salt ,1 of mustard , butter size of an egg


Cook like custard



3 eggs ,3 teaspoons dry mustard ,1 teacup of oil or cream ,1/2 cup vinegar ,salt to taste


Mix eggs and mustards to a cream ,then add oil drop by drop , vinegar drop by drop ,salt to taste .Put on stove and stir all the time ,and let it scarcely come to a boil .When cold , bottle and keep in cold place

By heating all the ingredients well together with an egg-beater it is as creamy as when oil is added drop by drop


Put a ham weighing 14 pounds in a huge kettle and half cover with cold water and cook slowly .When the water boils ,add a quart of sour white wine and cook about five hours ,or until tender .Put the ham in a baking pan and trim off the skin .Cover an inch thick with currant jelly ,put a cup of sherry in the pan and put into a pretty hot oven .Let the fire go down ,baste very often at first ,that the wine may penetrate the jelly and bake a half hour or more



1 head ,2 bay leaves ,1 teaspoonful thyme ,6 quarts of water , 2 large carrots,1 sweet marjoram , 3 onions , 1 handful salt ,1 teaspoonful pepper .Simmer 4 hours ,skimming when necessary .Take out meat ,strain broth and cut tongue in small pieces .2 large teaspoonful of butter in pan ,3 of flour ,and cook until brown .Juice of 1 lemon ,3 hard-boiled eggs ,chopped ,1/2 lemon ,sliced ,wine and red pepper to taste .When very hot serve


Fry some pieces of pork in the spider ,then cut up and fry a few onions .Into this pour some peeled and cut-up tomatoes ; stir till all cooked to pieces and then stain .Thicken with a little flour .Broil chops ,place on a hot platter and pour the sauce over them .For 3 pounds chops ,1/4 pound pork , about 3 onions , and 6 or 8 tomatoes are required .A few cloves and a little chili pepper are considered by some an addition


2 beef kidneys cut in small pieces .Pour cold water over , and as it boils pour off and repeat .The third time let it simmer slowly for two hours .Add 2 onions , chopped fine , and cook one hour .A few minutes before serving add sherry wine .Thicken with flour and serve on hot toast .This may be varied by adding curry ;both are excellent


Boil them in soup stock until tender , with a seasoning of salt ,pepper and a bouquet of herbs .(1 or 2 cloves , 1 or 2 small onions , 1 bay leaf ,spring of parsley ,some whole black pepper tied in a little white bag and removed after an hour ).When done add to the stock some browned flour and butter tomato juice to taste , and a little lime juice .Garnish with triangles of toast around the dish



1 tablespoon lard ,1 tablespoon butter , 1 and ½ teaspoon salt , 1 tablespoon sugar , 1 cup scalded milk , 1 cup boiled water , 1 yeast cake in ¼ cup lukewarm water , 6 cups soften flour


Put lard ,butter , salt and sugar into large bowl .Pour over them the scalded milk and boiling water .When this is lake-warm add the yeast cake dissolved in lake-warm water .Sift in flour gradually ,beating with a spoon .Toss on a floured board and knead until smooth .Allow it to rise over night in a moderately warm place or until it doubles its original size .Cut down or knead and allow it to rise until light , then form into loaves or biscuits .Allow these to rise until light ,then bake .The amount of yeast used will depend on the length of time the bread is allowed to rise



2 cups Indian meal ,1 cup flour , ½ cup sugar , 1 teaspoon salt , 1 egg ,1 teaspoon soda , 2 cups sour milk


Sift the dry ingredients together except the soda .Add egg slightly beaten .Dissolve the soda in sour milk , stir into the dry ingredients quickly and pour into a greased pan .Bake for half an hour in a moderate oven .



2 cups bread flour , 4 teaspoons baking powder , ½ teaspoon salt , 1 to 2 tablespoons shortening , ¾ cup milk


Sift the dry ingredients together , mix in fat with the tips of fingers , then add the milk a little at a time or cut it with a knife .The dough should be as soft as can be easily handled .Roll lightly until one inch thick , cut in rounds and bake in a hot oven for 15 to 20 minutes



1 egg ,1 tablespoon hot water , 1 salt spoon salt , few grains pepper


Separate the white from the yoke of the egg and beat it until stiff .Beat the yolk until thick and add the hot water and salt .Fold the beaten white of the egg in and put into a buttered pan .Cook slowly until puffed and brown



1egg , 1 tablespoon milk or water , ½ salt spoon salt , few grains of pepper


Beat the eggs slightly and add liquid and seasonings .Pour into a warm buttered pan and cook slowly over water .As the egg coagulates on the bottom and sides of the pan lift it with a spoon .Continue until thickened and creamy but not dry .Serve immediately



3 cups flour , 2 tablespoons sugar , ½ teaspoon salt , 4 tablespoons baking powder , 1 egg , 2 cups milk , 2 tablespoons melted fat


Mix and sift dry ingredients .Add beaten egg ,milk and fat to make a thin batter . Drop on a hot oiled griddle and brown on both sides


Save all the waxed paper that crackers and bread come wrapped in .It is very handy to roll out pie-crust or biscuits on , also doughnuts and cookies , and saves washing the pastry board



2 cups steamed rice , 2 cups chopped seasoned meat , 1 cup gravy or tomato sauce , ½ cup buttered crumbs


Place in a baking dish a layer of rice , over this sprinkle a layer of chopped meat and repeat until the dish is nearly filled then pour gravy or tomato sauce over the meat .Cover with the buttered crumbs and bake until brown



½ cup dried peas or beans , 5 medium potatoes , ½ cup grated cheese , ½ cup fine bread crumbs , 1 egg (beaten) , 1 tablespoon melted bacon fat salt and pepper


Soak peas or beans overnight , then boil until very tender .Boil and mash potatoes .Add mashed beans , grated cheese , bread-crumbs , beaten eggs , bacon fat and seasonings . When cool shape into cakes , dip into cornmeal and fry



2 eggs , 1 cup sugar , 3 teaspoons butter , ½ cup milk , ½ teaspoon salt , 1 and ½ cups flour , 1 and ½ teaspoons baking powder , ½ teaspoon vanilla


Beat eggs light , add sugar , butter , milk , salt and all but 2 tablespoons of the flour .Beat well , add vanilla , then add the remainder of the flour with the baking powder , sifted together . Bake in loaf or layer cake pans



2 eggs , ½ cup sugar , 1 teaspoon cold water , ½ tablespoon lemon juice , 1 salt spoon salt , ½ cup flour


Beat yolks until thick and add sugar gradually .Add water and lemon juice .Sift flour and salt into yolk mixture and beat thoroughly .Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of eggs and bake in a moderate oven



2eggs , ½ cup white sugar , ½ cup brown sugar , ½ cup chopped walnuts or cocoanut , ½ cup flour , ½ cup teaspoon vanilla , ½ teaspoon salt


Beat eggs very light , add sugar and remaining ingredients .Beat well and drop by tablespoonful on a buttered pan 2 inches apart .Bake in a moderately hot oven .Always use a tin pan



1 cup brown sugar , 1 cup water , 2 cups raisins , 1/3 cup fat ,1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg , 1 teaspoon grounds cloves , few grains salt


Boil the above ingredients together for three minutes .Let cool . When cold add 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 2 tablespoon hot water . Add 2 cups flour in which 1 teaspoon baking powder has been sifted .Bake in a moderate oven



5 tablespoons butter , 1 cup sugar , 2 eggs ,1/2 cup milk , 1 and ½ cup milk , 1 and ½ cups flour , 2 squares chocolate , ½ teaspoon vanilla , ½ teaspoon salt , 2 and ½ teaspoons baking powder


Cream butter and sugar .Add yolks of eggs beaten until thick , then milk , and all but 2 tablespoons of the flour .Beat thoroughly , add melted chocolate and vanilla .Add remaining flour , salt and baking powder sifted together .Fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs .Bake in moderate oven



1 and half ½ squares chocolate , 1 cup sugar , 1 cup boiling water


Cut chocolate into small pieces , add sugar and water and stir until blended .Boil until a soft ball forms when dropped into ice-water .Cool .Beat until creamy and spread on cake



1egg white , 1 cup confectioner , ½ teaspoon flavor


Beat the white of egg until stiff .Stir in the sugar and flavoring and beat until creamy



¾ Cup of sugar , 3 tablespoons corn starch , 1 cup boiling water , 3 tablespoons lemon juice and grated rind , 1 tablespoon butter , 2 egg yolks


Mix sugar and corn starch thoroughly, pour boiling water over them, stirring constantly .Cook until thick and until starch is well done .Add lemon juice and butter . Cool slightly and add eggs yolks .Pour into plate lined with pastry and bake until paste is cooked .Or pour into crust already baked



2 eggs whites beaten stiff , 2 to 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar , a few drops of vanilla .Add sugar gradually to stiffly beaten whites of eggs .Add flavoring .Spread over top of pie and cook until golden brown in a slow oven



1 and ½ cups flour , 3 tablespoons lard , ½ teaspoon salt , cold water , 3 tablespoons butter


Wash butter and squeeze until water and salt has been removed .Chill the lard the chop it into the flour , with two knives . Add salt and moisten it to a dough with cold water .(Ice water is not essential but is desired in summer )Toss on a flavored board and roll out . Fold to make three layers and put the butter between the layers .Turn half way round , and roll out .Cut off the sides of it and roll into shape for the plate .Roll the center of the upper crust , cutting slits in it to let out steam .Fold the upper crust under the edge of the lower crust .Bake in a moderately hot oven 40-50 minutes .Pastry may be used immediately or chilled before using .It must not come in contact with the ice



4 or 5 sour apples , 1/3 cup sugar , ¼ tablespoon grated nutmeg, 1/8 teaspoon salt , 1 tablespoon lemon juice , few gratings lemon rind , 1 tablespoon butter


Line pie-plate with pastry .Pare , core , and cut apples into eighths .Put row of slices around the plate .1/2 inch from the edge working towards the center until the plate is covered .Then pile on the remainder .Mix sugar , nutmeg , salt ,lemon juice and grated rind and sprinkle over the apple .Do all with butter .Wet the edges of the upper crust and press together .Bake for 40-45 minutes in a moderate oven

Soup recipes


Boil one can of tomatoes very soft in one quart of water ,strain and add one pint of milk ,one teaspoon of soda ,small piece of butter ,a shake of mace and salt to taste .Let it scald ,not boil and add two rolled crackers


Two large onions sliced ,one can tomatoes .Boil together half an hour or longer ,then put through colander and add one quart beef stock ,salt and pepper .Let this boil together a few moments .Whip one cup cream with the yolks of our eggs and one tablespoon of corn starch or flour ,add this to the stock ,boil up and serve at once


One quart tomatoes ,three pints milk ,one large tablespoonful flour ,butter size of an egg, pepper and salt to taste ,a scant teaspoonful of soda .Put the tomato on to stew and the milk in a double kettle to boil ,reserving half a cup to mix with the cold milk and cook ten minutes

To the tomato add the soda ,stir well ,and rub through a strainer that is fine enough to keep back the seeds .Add butter ,salt and pepper to the milk and then the tomato .Serve immediately


One coffee cup of brown beans soaked over -night ,boil in a gallon of water with a piece of salt pork three inches square (a little beef is good also )several hours ,until beans are soft ,strain and add a small bit of butter ,the juice of one lemon and a small cup of sherry wine


One pint of beans soaked over -night ,two quarts water and boil five or six hours ,adding water as it boils away ,when soft ,strain out the skins ,season with salt and pepper to taste .When ready for the table add a large spoonful of sherry wine ,two boiled eggs ,sliced and one lemon ,sliced very thin .Do not cook it any further after these ingredients are added


One gallon water ,one quart peas ,soaked overnight ,one quarter pound salt pork cut in bits ,one pound lean beef cut the same .Boil slowly two hours ,or until the water is reduced one-half .Pour in a colander and press the peas through ,return to the kettle and add a small amount of celery chopped fine .Fry three or four slices of bread quite brown in butter –cut in squares when served


Boil the pods first ,then remove and boil peas in same water until soft enough to mash easily .Add a quart of milk ,and thickening made of teaspoonful of butter and one of flour .Boil a few minutes and serve
Boil a small cup of rice till tender ,in three pints of milk (or 2 pints of milk and 1 pint of cream );rub through a sieve and add 1 quart of veal stock ,salt ,cayenne and 3 heads of celery grated fine
Four teacups of chopped celery ,1 quart of milk ,boil celery soft (saving water it is boiled in ),rub celery through fined sieve ,mix celery in milk .Take 1 heaping teaspoonful of flour ,1 even tablespoonful of butter ,1 scant teaspoonful of salt .If desired ,can boil celery in the morning ,then about half an hour before dinner take milk ,flour ,butter, salt and celery and boil together ,stirring constantly so it will cook evenly .When the consistency of cream ,it is ready for use
1 ox-tail ,2 pounds lean leaf ,4 carrots ,3 onions and thyme .Cut tail into pieces and fry brown in butter .Slice onions and 2 carrots ,and when you remove the tail from the pan put these in and brown also ,then tie them in a thin cloth with the thyme and put in the soup pot .Lay the tail in and then the meat cut into small pieces .Grate over them the remaining 2 carrots ,and add 4 quarts of water ,with salt and pepper .Boil four to six hours .Strain five minutes before serving and thicken with 2 tablespoonful of browned flour .Boil ten minutes longer .
1 pint of white stock ,2 tablespoonful butter ,one quarter teaspoon of pepper ,and 1 teaspoon of salt ,1 tablespoonful corn starch ,1 pint of milk ,heated milk .Mix butter and corn starch to cream ,and add hot milk and then stock .Boil 1 pound of mushrooms until soft ,and then strain .Have them ready and add to the soup ,letting it stand to thicken .It is improved by little whipped cream added before serving
Boil and mash fine 4 large mealy potatoes ,add 1 egg ,a piece of butter size of an egg ,a teaspoonful of salt ,1 teaspoonful celery salt .Boil 1 pint of water and 1 pint of milk together and pour on tomatoes boiling hot .Stir it well ,strain and serve
Boil trimmings of roast beef and beef –steak bones for three hours .Cool and skim off fat ,add half a salt spoon of pepper ,2 teaspoonful of salt ,3 potatoes ,pared and cut up ,half a carrot ,half an onion ,3 gumbo pods ,half a bay leaf and a little chopped parsley .Add a few drops of caramel and serve hot ,strain ,if preferred thin
4 pounds of round beef cut into pieces .Trim off all fatty skin.4 quarts water ,1 teaspoonful celery seed ,4 large onions ,6 large carrots ,bunch of parsley ,6 blades of mace ,16 whole cloves ,salt and pepper to taste
Pour on the water ,and let it simmer six hours ,skimming carefully ,for if any grease is allowed to go back into the soup it is impossible to make it clear .Scrape the carrots ,stick 4 whole cloves into each onion ,and put them in the soup ,then add the celery seed ,parsley ,mace ,pepper and salt .Let this boil till vegetables are tender ,then strain through a cloth ,pouring the soup through first ,then putting the meat in it to drain ,never squeezing or pressing it
If you wish to color it you can put in a desserts spoon of burnt sugar .It can nicely be flavored by adding some walnut catsup together with mushroom and a very little Worcestershire.

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