Table content.
- Most common signs and symptoms of stomach ulcer.Fects which doctors wont tell you about stomach ulcers. Matula herbal formula natural treatment.Natural foods to eat when you have ulcers.Other stomach diseases causes & treatment.5 Steps to Reverse Low Stomach Acid.11 remedies for diarrhea.10 Things you should know about Rehydrating a child.
If you have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, and you want to know what caused your stomach ulcer, then this important message could be exactly what you need right now.
First we discuss all the signs and symptoms of all types of stomach ulcers, and then let me provide some interesting facts on the most popular treatments both pharmaceutical and natural. You will also discover the truth about why most commonly prescribed treatments are known to fail up to 70% of the time.
Your good health is as important to us as it is to you, so i encourage you to use this unique information wisely, because i know that by doing so you could regain optimum digestive health sooner than you think.
Let's begin with the most common
signs and symptoms of stomach ulcers...
We will start with the most common symptoms of a stomach ulcer. Remember that if you have any form of stomach ulcer, it is highly likely that you are infected with H. pylori bacteria.
If you are worried that you are indeed suffering from the symptoms of a stomach ulcer or a peptic ulcer, then a proper diagnosis by a health professional is recommended.
Keep a look out for these ulcer symptoms - they are common to all types of stomach ulcers caused by H. pylori, including gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and peptic ulcers.
Abdominal pain - H. pylori can cause painful inflammation of the stomach and small intestine lining. Pain can also be caused by a build up of gases, and constipation.
Heartburn - Also called acid reflux, or GERD. When acid is low, digestion of food becomes slow and difficult. The result is that food sits in the stomach too long and gives off gases which can cause burning sensations in the stomach and throat.
Anemia - Or iron deficiency, this is closely linked with an H. pylori infection. When an H. pylori infection has caused low stomach acid, it becomes particularly difficult to digest protein (which contains iron).
Mild Abdominal Discomfort - Typically felt 2 - 4 hours before or after meals
Bad Breath - H pylori organisms present in stomach acid create ammonia, which results in bad breath.
Chest Pain - When H. pylori infection causes an inflammation in the stomach, the pain signals from the stomach can reflex into the chest, shoulder blade and stomach areas
Constipation - When H. pylori causes low stomach acid, food is not processed properly causing undigested food to be released into the intestine.
Diarrhea - The diarrhea may only happen infrequently, or it may happen almost daily, depending on how chronic the infection of H. pylori is.
Gastritis - Gastritis is characterized by an inflammation of the stomach lining. H. pylori uses it's corkscrew shape to burrow into, and injure the stomach lining, which results in inflammation.
Nausea and vomiting - H pylori causes nausea, but the reason for this is not clear. It is thought that as the body attempts to rid itself of the infection, the ejection happens through the process of vomiting. These symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for morning sickness in pregnant women.
Secondary, but less common symptoms...
These ulcer symptoms are listed in no particular order, but they are important to note. If you are showing any of the symptoms shown above, then these secondary symptoms may also be experienced;
Anxiety Depression Fatigue or Low Energy Headaches or Migraines Skin Problems Pre Menstrual Stress Sinus Problems Sleep Problems Weight Problems (Gain or Loss)
If you have any of the above symptoms, then it is possible that you may have a stomach ulcer. Fortunately, 90% of all ulcers are curable, but there is a hidden danger....
Different Ulcers present different symptoms!
There are different types of stomach ulcers and the symptoms are different for each different type of ulcer.
For example, duodenal and gastric ulcers have symptoms which are quite opposite, and this can be quite confusing.
Any symptoms of a stomach ulcer seen above should be regarded as a warning signal.
If you notice any one particular ulcer symptom, then the best advice we can offer is that you keep a lookout for any other secondary symptoms that may follow.
Above all, do not hesitate to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Stomach ulcer symptoms should be taken seriously.
By making sure you know the real facts behind ulcers and the most commonly prescribed treatments, you can more easily decide on what the right treatment will be for you, so that you can live without any further pain and discomfort.
Are you sure you have a stomach ulcer? This is an important question because stomach ulcer symptoms can easily be confused with the symptoms of other GI Tract disorders.
Always make sure you get a proper diagnosis by a health professional.
Symptoms of Bleeding Ulcers, this is a potentially dangerous condition.
Unattended ulcers can start bleeding - and this is potentially the most dangerous condition of all!
When stomach ulcers have start bleeding, these are the most likely warning signs to look out for.
Black and smelly stools Nausea or vomiting of blood Chest and back pain Fainting and dizzy episodes
NO PAIN does NOT mean NO PROBLEM. If you have a bleeding ulcer you may not feel any pain at all.
Contrary to popular beliefs - up to
90% of stomach ulcers are proven to
be caused by Helicobacter pylori.
If you didn't already know it - this is the single most important fact that you should know about stomach ulcers.
No matter what you have been told or what you have read elsewhere, it has been clinically proven over and over again using thousands of case studies that Helicobacter pylori is the most likely cause of your stomach ulcer.
It has also been proven beyond doubt, that when an infection of Helicobacter Pylori has been successfully treated, this is naturally followed by a healing of almost all types of stomach ulcers. The aim of any successful treatment will be to remove the cause (H.pylori infection).
Just knowing these 2 basic facts and the other important facts listed on this page could save you from months of unnecessary pain and suffering.
This unique information is very important than you meet ever.
We want you to know all the facts about the treatment of stomach ulcer symptoms - that includes everything from diagnosis and testing, to actually overcoming the condition and regaining optimal gut health.
Most of the facts you are about to read below its a great research i did from health professionals - a source that has never been made public before. So you will find my advice is going to be quite different to what you may have seen elsewhere.
Take a little time now to absorb and understand as much of this information as you can, because simply having this knowledge will benefit you immediately.
10 Facts that Doctors won't tell you
about stomach ulcer treatments..
These important facts demonstrate how ineffective the most common ulcer treatments really are, cold facts that are not made public by health professionals and drug companies.
The biggest cause of failure is due to patients not being able to complete their course of treatment.
This is attributed directly to the harsh and well documented negative effects of prescribed treatments".
1.Most doctors simply have no options other than antibiotic treatments for ulcers caused by H. pylori infections.
2 - Doctors highly recommend drug therapy,yet they cannot guarantee that they will work.
3 - H. pylori is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatments.
4 - Thousands of ulcer sufferers have taken more than 3 courses of the SAME antibiotic treatment, yet they still suffer from stomach ulcers and H. pylori.
5 - Approximately 65% of patients infected with H. pylori are simultaneously infected with Candida Albicans, and they don't even know about it!
6 - Doctors can spend more time treating negative side effects of Triple Therapy, than they do treating the stomach ulcer or H. pylori infection.
7 - Getting the right results after an H. pylori treatment is crucial, yet patients are literally forced into taking unnecessary treatments due to incorrect testing methods.
8 - The latest drugs being produced for the treatment of H. pylori infections are supposedly more powerful and more effective ,but sadly the negative side effects are so bad that patients simply abandon the treatment.
9 - The ONLY way to effectively treat stomach ulcers caused by H. pylori infection, is to treat the cause - not the symptoms.
10 - Many 'old school' doctors still subscribe to the outdated 'No Acid, No Ulcer' mentality, and insist on treating the symptoms of Acid Reflux (GERD) only.
The Negative Side Effects
you need to know about...
For most people stomach ulcer and H. pylori issues are first dealt with by a Doctor. The most widely prescribed treatment is known as Triple Therapy, and if that does not work then it may be followed by Quadruple Therapy. Both of these are antibiotic based and as such there are well documented and widely published negative effects that you need to be aware of BEFORE you take these treatments. These include;
Joint pain, diarrhea, dizziness, fever, flu-like symptoms, stomach upset, low blood pressure, kidney damage, increased liver enzymes, mouth ulcers, nausea, light sensitivity, itching, rash, skin discoloration, hives, vomiting, heartburn, shortness of breath, blood disorders and loss of appetite.
Obviously these are fairly extensive and can be quiet harmful, and therefore worthy of concern.
If you feel you will not be able to cope with any of these negative side effects, then we strongly urge you to keep reading....l want you to have the right knowledge so that you can make an educated decision on how you can regain good health, and with a highly reduced risk of further stress and/or disappointment.
REMEMBER! The main cause of all types of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter Pylori.
If you are ready to deal with the
root cause of your stomach ulcers...
.l have some great news for you!
We fully understand that you may have already been trying to get rid of an H. pylori infection or a stomach ulcer, and that you are now seeking an effective alternative solution that won't fail as your last treatment did.
Even if this is not the case and you have a new stomach ulcer which has been caused by H. pylori and which needs urgent attention, then rest assured - you are in the right place!
FACT! It is now possible for you tosafely and effectively treat Helicobacter pylori infections with an all-natural treatment - and it's proven to be over 98% effective.
There is a safe and natural way to treat H. pylori...
...but most doctors are still unaware of this.
The truth is that helicobacter pylori infections will not go away without some form of treatment. The problem most people face is that medical doctors only know the pharmaceutical options, and are generally unaware of safe and natural alternatives.
Because of this, very biased judgment is often passed by them about the safety or effectiveness of these remedies. And naturally, this is most likely going to cause you some doubt and confusion about any non pharmaceutical remedies, so don't be surprised that nearly all doctors will only be prescribe pharmaceutical products.
A bad choice of treatment could result in weeks, if not months, of suffering with ongoing ill health, unnecessary medication, and costs.
If you don't want to consider any treatments that may fail or disappoint you, then we strongly urge you to keep reading.... you are about to learn a simple way on how to make sure that any treatment you are considering, can work for you - and at the same time, reduce any financial or health risks you may face.
Some simple steps to help you
find a safe and effective treatment
When you are suffering from stomach ulcers, the most reassuring thing you need is to know is that you can rely on your treatment to work, without having to worry about it causing further problems for you.
You should also know that by taking any treatment which does not have solid evidence of third party verification and validation that it is indeed highly effective, or the treatment does not have a money back guarantee, then you run the risks of wasting your money, and possibly remaining unwell for as long as it takes to find another treatment that may work for you.
Right nowDid you know that tea is the second most consumed beverage worldwide, after water? While tea brewed in the traditional way is still a dietary staple in many parts of the world, an ever-increasing range of healthy teas in varied forms is now available. Many of these teas offer multiple health benefits.
In fact, tea has been widely used throughout history as a therapy for specific health conditions. It has also been credited with lowering the risk of disease, including cancer risk. And what do you know – recent scientific and clinical research supports some, if not all, of these very intriguing health claims!
Vital Questions that you should
be asking about anytreatment...
Applying this simple series of questions to any treatment, will make it really easy for you to get a safest and effective treatment that works best for you. What could be better than taking a treatment with peace of mind, and especially not having to worry about the wasted cost if it does not work?
-Is there 3rd partyScientific or Clinical proof?
-Is it likely to be free from negative effects?
-Is it Easy to take, and does it taste good?
-Will just 1 course of treatment be effective?
-ls it likely to be a once off expense?
-ls there a Money Back Guarantee?
-Is there Free Unlimited support?
If you have been searching online already, you will already know that most treatments can't even offer just two of these benefits. If you have already had any treatment that has failed, then you will know how true this actually is. What you probably think is an impossibity, is now a reality - and it's available for you right now.
Introducing the All-Natural Solution that
answers YES, to All above Questions.
A Safe and Highly Effective Solution
for all Stomach Ulcer problems
caused by Hpylori infections
Matula Herbal Formula has been used successfully across the globe by H. pylori and stomach ulcer sufferers, as well as by numerous Health Care Professionals who were unable to successfully treat themselves, or their families, when using conventional medicine. Matula Herbal Formula is a totally unique preparation made up from selected rare herbs mostly found in Southern Africa. Supply is strictly limited to protect the herb species from extinction. Because of this, the Matula Herbal Formula will always remain in relatively short supply, and because of this it is only available to a small percentage of people who have been lucky enough to find it.
Results so you can see for yourself.
Early in 2006, Matula Herbal Formula™ underwent independent tests by world renowned Immunologist, Professor Patrick JD Bouic Ph.D. of Synexa Life Sciences.
We had a good idea of it's effect on several stomach ailments, but the results against H. pylori were the most gratifying of all.
We are so proud of these results that we decided to publish them right here, just to show the world we have nothing to hide, and also to give you the confidence that you won't find elsewhere else!
Matula Herbal Formula™ is the one and only natural remedy that provides this level of efficacy, and is possibly the ONLY remedy that is backed by unlimited care and support, plus a Money Back Guarantee should any trace of H. pylori be found after a course of treatment.
Clinically Tested Matula Herbal Formula™
is Proven to Eradicate
All Strains of H. pylori
"Matula Herbal Formula out performs all other treatments
for H. pylori, Stomach Ulcers and Candida....
....nothing else comes close!"
Matula Herbal Formula™ is a once-off treatment that will give you permanent relief from ulcer symptoms by removing the cause. Matula Herbal Formula ™ is more effective, is much easier
to take, and it COSTS LESS than the most commonly prescribed drug therapies AND there areabsolutely no negative side effects.
The 6 ways Matula Herbal Formula™ will
get you healthy....and save you money!
Matula Herbal Formula™ is a 100% natural product - no unnatural chemicals, therefore has ZERO negative side effects!
Matula Herbal Formula™ is scientifically proven to be super effective against all strains of Helicobacter Pylori - it will work for you!
Matula Herbal Fomula™ is so easy to take - only 2 cups per day for 30 days!
Matula Herbal Formula™ is cost effective. Only one treatment is required and it costs less than the most commonly prescribed Triple Therapies.
AS AN ADDED BONUS Matula Herbal Formula™ also relieves the effects of ACID REFLUX and also CANDIDA within the first 2 weeks of treatment and sometimes even faster!
Matula Herbal Formula™ is so easy to take...
Compared to the difficult treatment regimens of drug therapies, taking Matula Herbal Formula™ is a breeze!
Matula is cheaper and safer than antibiotics....
That's right!! Matula Herbal Formula™ actually COSTS LESS than the most commonly prescribed drug therapies. Even with a failure rate of up to 70%, Triple Therapies are currently costing up to $280.00 or more.
The Ingredients of Matula Herbal Formula™
Matula Herbal Formula™ is comprised of a specific ratio of flowers, leaves, stems from six different plant species, some male and some female.
Each of the six plants are picked at different times during the four seasons of the year. Some are picked when budding, some when flowering, and others after seeding. Some plants can only be picked in the early morning, while others are picked in the late afternoon.
Matula Herbal Formula - Ingredients
The primary constituents of the formulation are as follows:-
Parts used
Oleaceae Asteraceae Alliaceae Fabaceae Myrtaceae
This proprietary formulation comprises premium quality, ALL NATURAL wild and non-GMO herbs.
Matula Herbal Formula is conveniently packed in sealed and protected sachets. A total of 60 Sachets are then packed in a box that makes up a one month supply.
Matula Herbal Formula DOES NOT CONTAIN any traces of wheat, caffeine, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, sugar, colorings or preservatives.
Natural foods to eat when you have ulcers.
1. Flavonoids
Research suggests that flavonoids, also known as bioflavonoids, may be an effective additional treatment for stomach ulcers. Flavonoids are compounds that occur naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Foods and drinks rich in flavonoids include:
soybeans legumesred grapes kalebroccoliapplesberriesteas, especially green tea
These foods may also help the body fight against the H. pylori bacteria. Flavonoids are referred to as “gastro protective,” which means they defend the lining of the stomach and could allow ulcers to heal. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, there are no side effects of consuming flavonoids in the amount found in a typical diet, but higher amounts of flavonoids may interfere with blood clotting. You can get flavonoids in your diet or take them as supplements.
2. Probiotics
Probiotics are the living bacteria and yeast that provide healthy and important microorganisms to your digestive tract. They are present in many common foods, particularly fermented foods. These include:
butter milk yogurt misokim chikefir
You can also take probiotics insupplement form. Studies have shown that probiotics may be helpful in wiping out H. pylori and increasing recovery rate for people with ulcers when added to the traditional regimen of antibiotics.
4. Honey
Honey is far from simply sweet. Depending on the plant it’s derived from, honey can contain up to 200 elements, including polyphenols and other antioxidants. Honeyis a powerful antibacterial and has been shown to inhibit H. pylori growth. As long as you have normal blood sugar levels, you can enjoy honey as you would any sweetener, with the bonus of perhaps soothing your ulcers.
5. Garlic
Garlic extract has been shown to inhibit H. pylori growth in lab, animal, and human trials. If you don’t like the taste (and lingering aftertaste) of garlic, you can take garlic extract in supplemental form. Garlic acts as a blood thinner, so ask your doctor before taking it if you use warfarin(Coumadin), other prescription blood thinners, or aspirin.
6. Cranberry
Cranberry has been shown in somestudies to help decrease urinary tract infections by preventing bacteria from settling on the walls of the bladder. Cranberry and cranberry extract also may help fight H. pylori. You can drink cranberry juice, eat cranberries, or takecranberry supplements.
No specific amount of consumption is associated with relief. Too much cranberry in any form may cause stomach and intestinal discomfort due to its high sugar content, so start with small amounts and increase gradually. Many commercial cranberry juices are heavily sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup, which can also add empty calories. Avoid those juices by buying juice sweetened only by other juices.
7. Mastic
Mastic is the sap of a tree grown in the Mediterranean. Studies of the effectiveness of mastic on H. pylori infection are mixed, but at least one small study shows that chewing mastic gum may help fight H. pylori, getting rid of the bacteria in about 3 out of 10 people who used it. However, when compared to the traditional combination of antibiotics and acid-blocking medications, the medications were significantly more effective than the gum. The traditional treatment got rid of the bacteria in more than 75 percent of the people studied. In this study, the mastic gum was not associated with any side effects. You can chew the gum or swallow mastic in supplement form.
8. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
A diet centered on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is not just good for your overall health. According to the Mayo Clinic, a vitamin-rich diet can help your body heal your ulcer. Foods containing the antioxidant polyphenols may protect you from ulcers and help ulcers heal.Polyphenol-rich foods and seasonings include:
dried rosemary flax seed Mexican oreganodark chocolate blue berries, raspberries, strawberries, elderberries, and black berries black olives
Foods to limit or avoid with ulcers and acid reflux
Some people with ulcers also have acid reflux disease. Certain foods, in certain people, can affect the lower part of the esophagus, called the LES (lower esophageal sphincter), allowing acid and stomach contents to back up into the esophagus. This can cause injury to the esophagus, as well as heartburn, indigestion and other discomfort.
To reduce acid reflux pain, you may want to limit:
coffee, and other caffeinated beverages carbonated beverages chocolate chilies and hot peppers processed foodshigh-salt dietdeep-fried foods acidic foods like citrus and tomatoes
Overeating and eating within two to three hours of going to bed may also worsen the symptoms of acid reflux. But not every food acts the same is every person, so keeping track of which foods seem to make acid reflux symptoms worse can be helpful.
Having more than one drink a day for women and more than two for men is considered excessive drinking. If a couple of drinks after work is how you unwind, you might want to consider a healthier alternative. Regular alcohol use cause significant stomach inflammation. Also, alcohol is another substance that can relax the lower part of the esophagus, increasing your risk for acid reflux.
What Is Gastritis?
Gastritis is an inflammation, irritation, or erosion of the lining of the stomach. It can occur suddenly (acute) or gradually (chronic).
What Causes Gastritis?
Gastritis can be caused by irritation due to excessive alcohol use, chronic vomiting, stress, or the use of certain medications such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs. It may also be caused by any of the following:
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori): A bacteria that lives in the mucous lining of thestomach; without treatment, the infection can lead to ulcers, and in some people, stomach cancer.Bile reflux: A backflow of bile into the stomach from the bile tract (that connects to the liver and gallbladder)Infections caused by bacteria and viruses
If gastritis is left untreated, it can lead to a severe loss of blood and may increase the risk of developing stomach cancer.
What Are the Symptoms of Gastritis?
Symptoms of gastritis vary among individuals, and in many people there are no symptoms. However, the most common symptoms include:
Nausea or recurrent upset stomachAbdominal bloatingAbdominal painVomitingIndigestionBurning or gnawing feeling in the stomach between meals or at nightHiccupsLoss of appetiteVomiting blood or coffee ground-like materialBlack, tarry stools
How Is Gastritis Diagnosed?
To diagnose gastritis, your doctor will review your personal and family medical history, perform a thorough physical evaluation, and may recommend any of the following tests:
Upper endoscopy. An endoscope, a thin tube containing a tiny camera, is inserted through your mouth and down into your stomach to look at the stomach lining. The doctor will check for inflammation and may perform a biopsy, a procedure in which a tiny sample of tissue is removed and then sent to a laboratory for analysis.Blood tests. The doctor may perform various blood tests, such as checking your red blood cell count to determine whether you have anemia, which means that you do not have enough red blood cells. He or she can also screen for H. pylori infection andpernicious anemia with blood tests.Fecal occult blood test (stool test). This test checks for the presence of blood in your stool, a possible sign of gastritis.
What Is the Treatment for Gastritis?
Treatment for gastritis usually involves:
Taking antacids and other drugs (such as proton pump inhibitors or H-2 blockers) to reduce stomach acidAvoiding hot and spicy foodsFor gastritis caused by H. pylori infection, your doctor will prescribe a regimen of several antibiotics plus an acid blocking drug (used for heartburn)If the gastritis is caused by pernicious anemia, B12 vitamin shots will be given.Eliminating irritating foods from your diet such as lactose from dairy or gluten from wheat
Once the underlying problem disappears, the gastritis usually does, too.
You should talk to your doctor before stopping any medicine or starting any gastritis treatment on your own.
What Is the Prognosis for Gastritis?
Most people with gastritis improve quickly once treatment has begun.
What is acid reflux?
Acid reflux is a common condition that features a burning pain, known as heartburn, in the lower chest area. It happens when stomach acid flows back up into the food pipe.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is diagnosed when acid reflux occurs more than twice a week.
Exact figures vary, but diseases resulting from acid reflux are the most common gut complaint seen by hospital departments in the United States.
The American College of Gastroenterology says that over 60 million Americansexperience heartburn at least once a month, and at least 15 million as often as daily.
GERD is most common in Western countries, affecting an estimated 20 to 30 percent of the population.
Chronic heartburn can lead to serious complications.
Fast facts on acid reflux
Here are some key points about acid reflux. More detail is in the main article.
Acid reflux is also known as heartburn, acid indigestion, or pyrosis.It happens when some of the acidic stomach contents go back up into the esophagus.Acid reflux creates a burning pain in the lower chest area, often after eating.Lifestyle risk factors include obesityand smoking.Drug treatments are the most common therapy and are available on prescription and over the counter (OTC).
Acid reflux is when some of the acid content of the stomach flows up into the esophagus, into the gullet, which moves food down from the mouth. Despite the name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart.
The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, astrong acid that helps break down food and protect against pathogens such as bacteria.
The lining of the stomach is specially adapted to protect it from the powerful acid, but the esophagus is not protected.
A ring of muscle, the gastroesophageal sphincter, normally acts as a valve that lets food into the stomach but not back up into the esophagus. When this valve fails, and stomach contents are regurgitated into the esophagus, the symptoms of acid reflux are felt, such as heartburn.
Risk factors
GERD affects people of all ages, sometimes for unknown reasons. Often, it is due to a lifestyle factor, but it can also be due to causes that cannot always be prevented.
One cause that is not preventable is a hiatal (or hiatus) hernia. A hole in the diaphragm allows the upper part of the stomach to enter the chest cavity, sometimes leading to GERD.
Other risk factors are more easily controlled:
obesitysmoking (active or passive)low levels of physical exercisemedications, including drugs forasthma, calcium-channel blockers, antihistamines, painkillers, sedatives, and antidepressants
Pregnancy can also cause acid reflux due to extra pressure being placed on the internal organs.
Food and dietary habits that have been linked to acid reflux include:
caffeinealcohola high intake of table salta diet low in dietary fibereating large mealslying down within 2 to 3 hours of eating a mealconsuming chocolate, carbonated drinks, and acidic juices
A recent study suggests that dietary choicesmay be as effective as using proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in treating acid reflux.

Zantac is one medication for heartburn relief.
The main treatment options for acid reflux are:
PPIs, including omeprazole, rabeprazole, and esomeprazoleH2 blockers, including cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidineOver-the-counter treatments, such as antacids, which are available to buy online.Alginate drugs, including Gaviscon
The main treatment options for people who repeatedly experience acid reflux in GERD are either PPIs or H2 blockers, both of which are medications.
PPIs and H2 blockers decrease acid production and reduce the potential for damage caused by acid reflux.
These medications are generally safe and effective, but like any prescription drug, they are not appropriate for all people with reflux disease and can cause side effects.
For instance, they can cause problems absorbing nutrients. This can lead tomalnutrition.
OTC remedies for acid reflux
For people who experience heartburn or indigestion infrequently, perhaps in association with occasional food and drink triggers, OTC treatments to reduce the acidity of the stomach contents are available.
These liquid and tablet formulations are called antacids, and there are dozens of brands available, all with similar effectiveness. They may not work for everyone, and any need for regular use should be discussed with a doctor.
Antacids provide rapid but short-term relief by reducing the acidity of the stomach contents.
They contain chemical compounds such ascalcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, aluminum, and magnesium hydroxide. They can also inhibit nutrient absorption, leading to deficiencies over time.
Alginate drugs such as Gaviscon
Gaviscon is probably the best-known heartburn therapy. It has a different mode of action than antacid drugs. Alginate drugs such as Gaviscon vary slightly in composition, but they usually contain an antacid.
The alginic acid works by creating a mechanical barrier against the stomach acid, forming a foamy gel that sits at the top of the gastric pool itself.
Any reflux is then relatively harmless as it consists of alginic acid and not damaging stomach acid.
The active ingredient—alginate—is found naturally in brown algae.
If you want to buy Gaviscon, then there is an excellent selection available online.
Other options
Other possible treatment methods include:
Sucralfate acid suppressantsPotassium-competitive acid blockersTransient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation (TLESR) reducersGABA(B) receptor agonistmGluR5 antagonistProkinetic agentsPain modulatorsTricyclic antidepressantsSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)Theophylline, a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
If GERD is severe and unresponsive to medical treatment, a surgical intervention known as fundoplication may be needed.
Losing weight and stopping smoking will remove two lifestyle risk factors associated with acid reflux.
Lifestyle measures that may help include:
improving posture, for instance, sitting up straighterwearing loose clothinglosing weight if overweight or obeseavoiding increased pressure on your abdomen, such as from tight belts or doing sit-up exercisesstopping smoking
Acid reflux usually produces heartburn, whether it is due to a single episode of overeating or persistent GERD.
Heartburn is an uncomfortable burning sensation that occurs in the esophagus and is felt behind the breastbone area. It tends to get worse when lying down or bending over. It can last for several hours and often worsens after eating food.
The pain of heartburn may move up toward the neck and throat. Stomach fluid can reach the back of the throat in some cases, producing a bitter or sour taste.
If heartburn occurs two or more times a week, it is known as GERD for short.
Other symptoms of GERD include:
dry, persistent coughwheezingasthma and recurrent pneumonianauseavomitingthroat problems, such as soreness, hoarseness, or laryngitis (voice boxinflammation)difficulty or pain when swallowingchest or upper abdominal paindental erosionbad breath
Risks and complications
Without treatment, GERD can lead to serious complications in the long term, including an increased risk of cancer.
Persistent exposure to stomach acid can damage the esophagus, leading to:
Esophagitis: the lining of the esophagus is inflamed, causing irritation, bleeding, and ulceration in some casesStrictures: damage caused by stomach acid leads to scar development and difficulties swallowing, with food getting stuck as it travels down the esophagusBarrett's esophagus: a serious complication where repeated exposure to stomach acid causes changes in the cells and tissues lining the esophagus with potential to develop into cancer cells
Both esophagitis and Barrett's esophagus are associated with a higher risk of cancer.

5 Steps to Reverse Low Stomach Acid
1. Ingest Apple Cider Vinegar
The No. 1 thing you can do to start to balance this pH in your stomach is use apple cider vinegar right before your meals. I would take one tablespoon and just a very small amount of water. Apple cider vinegar is a great natural remedy because apple cider vinegar has a very low pH in balance with your stomach.
By the way, often times I’ll add digestive bitters to my apple cider vinegar before a meal. You can get a little tincture of digestive bitters. In fact, bitters have been consumed for thousands of years right after meals or before meals to improve digestion.
2. Take Digestive Enzymes
The No. 2 step you want to start taking to improve your stomach acid are digestive enzymes. I would get a good digestive enzyme blend and take one to two caps right before your meal. You could even take that with the apple cider vinegar.
Digestive enzymes will help you fully break down those nutrients you ingest. If your stomach acid is too high, that will actually not allow you to break down the food you’re eating, so you must get plenty of enzymes. That’s not something you should have to take the rest of your life, but it is something you should take for a time until your stomach acid balances out.
3. Add HCL with Pepsin to Your Diet
The No. 3 thing you may consider if you have low stomach acid is HCL with pepsin — hydrochloric acid with pepsin. Now, hydrochloric acid is naturally created in your stomach. That is really the main thing that creates that very acidic environment to break down food. But if you’re deficient in hydrochloric acid, and stomach acid itself, that’s not going to allow you to fully digest and break down things like protein, which, over time, can also cause a condition called leaky gut.
So you want to do everything you can to heal and repair your gut. HCL with pepsin is a great thing you can start taking on a regular basis to really help heal your GI tract, help fight things like acid reflux and improve low stomach acid. It’s also one of the best leaky gut supplements around.
Now, the trick with HCL is you typically want to take that while you’re under the care of a physician or start off with one capsule. By the way, you only take HCL with pepsin if you’re taking protein during a meal. If you’re not taking protein in a meal, you don’t want to use it. If you’re getting quite a bit ofprotein foods in a meal — like chicken or beef — you want to take HCL.
When you get warmness in your stomach, that means you’re taking enough. You need to back it down. Some people need one capsule; other people may need to take up to nine capsules of HCL with pepsin.
4. Eat Manuka Honey
The fourth thing you can do to improve low stomach acid isuse Manuka honey. Manuka honey is a specific type of honey out of New Zealand, and this honey has antimicrobial properties. People can develop things like SIBO symptoms — that’s small intestinal bacterial overgrowth — and the wrong type of bacteria in the stomach when they have low stomach acid. Manuka honey can help naturally treat conditions like SIBO.
Just take a teaspoon a day or a teaspoon twice a day. It can actually help in healing stomach ulcer symptoms, and it’s also great for low stomach acid.
5. Chew Your Food Thoroughly and Eat Smaller Meals
My last step here is a lifestyle tip. Those four natural remedies will help, but there are a few other things you want to do to help heal your low stomach acid.
One of those things is to make sure you chew your food. So often we’re in a race through life, and we don’t take time to chew our food. Chew 30 times and then swallow — that’s my challenge to you.
By the way, if you’ve ever watched little kids, they chew about 30 times; it’s natural. So make sure your food is totally chewed before you swallow. That can help your low stomach acid.
Also, eat smaller meals. If you’re eating very, very large meals, you’re not going to allow your body to heal. That’s an issue.
In addition, try fasting or intermittent fasting. The many health benefits of fasting along with intermittent fasting benefits add to your overall gut health and can reverse low stomach acid — whether it’s a bone broth fast, a vegetable juice fast or intermittent fasting.
Part of your body healing is letting it recover. If you’re continually eating food from morning to sundown every day, your body doesn’t have time to recover and heal. Some fasting is another great way to help balance out stomach acid.
So remember, you need stomach acid. It’s good for you. And you want balanced levels. If you follow these home remedies to heal low stomach acid, I know you’re going to see results fast.
11 Home Remedies for Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a sign that your body is trying to rid itself of something toxic in your system. Avoid over-the-counter medicines and instead try these natural solutions for relief.
Sip clear broth or juice
Apple juice and clear broth will help replace salts and minerals lost to diarrhea. But avoid citrus, pineapple, tomato, and other juices that you can’t see through, because their acids can irritate already inflamed intestines. Start with small sips, and work your way up to drinking a cup every half hour.
Make fresh orange peel tea
A traditional diarrhea remedy and general digestive aid, orange peels stimulate digestion. You need organic oranges for this brew; nonorganic orange skins may contain dyes and pesticides. Peel an orange and chop the peel finely. Place in a pot and cover with a pint of boiling water. Cover the pot tightly and steep until cool. Strain, sweeten with honey, and drink.
Bind yourself with rice
Plain white rice is known for it’s “binding effect” on bowels. Eat small portions of white rice, butter-free, until the diarrhea is under control.
Calm yourself with chamomile
This tea, known for its gentle relaxation powers, can also calm bouts of diarrhea. It attacks the problem on two fronts, via compounds that ease intestinal spasms and combat inflammation.
Honey to the rescue
Many cultures swear by honey as a cure for diarrhea. Mix 4 tablespoons of honey into a cup of hot water. Let cool and drink. It’s very sweet, but effective.
Sip some vinegar water
If a bacterial infection is at the root of your diarrhea, apple cider vinegar could help contain the problem thanks to its antibiotic properties. What’s more, some folk remedy experts contend that apple cider vinegar contains pectin, which can help soothe intestinal spasms.
Try some applesauce
Applesauce contains pectin, which helps to firm soft bowel movements. Try applesauce spread on a slice of dry toast for a filling snack that won’t upset your stomach.
Stick to the BRAT diet
Bananas, plain Rice, Applesauce, dryToast, and tea: These foods are generally safe to eat when fighting off a bout of diarrhea, and will keep you feeling nourished.
Drink a glass of buttermilk
Many cultures swear by buttermilk as a diarrhea remedy. An Ayurvedic healing approach is to mix 1/2 teaspoon of dry ginger into a cup of buttermilk and drink that three to four times a day.
Brew caraway tea
To calm the intestinal spasms and discomfort that accompanies diarrhea, try sipping caraway tea. Brew it by adding a teaspoon of caraway seeds to a cup of boiling water, cover, and let steep for 15 minutes. Strain through a fine sieve before serving.
Try these decaffeinated black teas
Tannins in black tea have an astringent action on the mucous membranes in the intestines. This helps the body absorb fluids and calms intestinal inflammation. In particular, blackberry and raspberry leaf teas are praised by herbalists for their ability to ease diarrhea. Be sure to choose teas made from real leaves (some berry teas are mainly flavoring). Choose decaffeinated black teas; caffeine is dehydrating (there is no caffeine in herbal teas). Red teas, such as rooibos, can calm spasms in the colon.
Oral Rehydration Solutions
To prevent too much liquid being lost from the child's body, an effective oral rehydration solution can be made using ingredients found in almost every household. One of these drinks should be given to the child every time a watery stool is passed.
Ideally these drinks (preferably those that have been boiled) should contain:
starches and/or sugars as a source of glucose and energy,some sodium andpreferably some potassium.
The following traditional remedies make highly effective oral rehydration solutions and are suitable drinks to prevent a child from losing too much liquid during diarrhoea:
BreastmilkGruels (diluted mixtures of cooked cereals and water)Carrot SoupRice water - Congee
A very suitable and effective simple solution for rehydrating a child can also be made by using salt and sugar, if these ingredients are available.
If possible, add 1/2 cup orange juice or some mashed banana to improve the taste and provide some potassium.
Molasses and other forms of raw sugar can be used instead of white sugar, and these contain more potassium than white sugar.
If none of these drinks is available, other alternatives are:
Fresh fruit juiceWeak teaGreen coconut water
If nothing else is available, give
water from the cleanest possible source
(if possible brought to the boil and then cooled).
 The "Simple Solution" - Home made Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Recipe
Preparing 1 (one) Litre solution using Salt, Sugar and Water at HomeMix an oral rehydration solution using the following recipe.Ingredients:
Six (6) level teaspoons of Sugar
Half (1/2) level teaspoon of Salt
One Litre of clean drinking or boiled water and then cooled - 5 cupfuls (each cup about 200 ml.)
Preparation Method:
Stir the mixture till the salt and sugar dissolve.

Effective homemade remedy for watery diarrhea
An efficient and effective homemade remedy to be used when watery diarrhea strikes and is a good substitute for oral rehydration salts:
Ingredients:1/2 to 1 cup precooked baby rice cereal or 1½ tablespoons of granulated sugar2 cups of water1/2 tsp. salt
Mix well the rice cereal (or sugar), water, and salt together until the mixture thickens but is not too thick to drink. Give the mixture often by spoon and offer the child as much as he or she will accept (every minute if the child will take it). Continue giving the mixture with the goal of replacing the fluid lost: one cup lost, give a cup. Even if the child is vomiting, the mixture can be offered in small amounts (2-1 tsp.) every few minutes or so.
Banana or other non-sweetened mashed fruit can help provide potassium.
Continue feeding children when they are sick and to continue breastfeeding if the child is being breastfed.
Questions on Solutions made at Home
How do I measure the Salt and Sugar? Different countries and different communities use various methods for measuring the salt and sugar.
Finger pinch and hand measuring, and the use of local teaspoons can be taught successfully.A plastic measuring spoon is available from Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC) with proportions to make up 200 ml of sugar/salt solution.
Whatever method is used, people need to be carefully instructed in how to mix and use the solutions. Do not use too much salt. If the solution has too much salt the child may refuse to drink it. Also, too much salt can, in extreme cases, cause convulsions. Too little salt does no harm but is less effective in preventing dehydration. A rough guide to the amount of salt is that the solution should taste no saltier than tears.
How much solution do I feed? Feed after every loose motion. Adults and large children should drink at least 3 quarts or liters of ORS a day until they are well. Each Feeding:
For a child under the age of two
Between a quarter and a half of a large cupFor older children
Between a half and a whole large cup
For Severe Dehydration: Drink sips of the ORS (or give the ORS solution to the conscious dehydrated person) every 5 minutes until urination becomes normal. (It's normal to urinate four or five times a day.)
How do I feed the solution?
Give it slowly, preferably with a teaspoon.If the child vomits it, give it again.
The drink should be given from a cup (feeding bottles are difficult to clean properly). Remember to feed sips of the liquid slowly.
What if the child vomits? If the child vomits, wait for ten minutes and then begin again. Continue to try to feed the drink to the child slowly, small sips at a time. The body will retain some of the fluids and salts needed even though there is vomiting.
For how long do I feed the liquids? Extra liquids should be given until the diarrhoea has stopped. This will usually take between three and five days.
How do I store the ORS solution? Store the liquid in a cool place. Chilling the ORS may help. If the child still needs ORS after 24 hours, make a fresh solution.. How do I measure the Salt and Sugar? Different countries and different communities use various methods for measuring the salt and sugar.
Finger pinch and hand measuring, and the use of local teaspoons can be taught successfully.A plastic measuring spoon is available from Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC) with proportions to make up 200 ml of sugar/salt solution.
Whatever method is used, people need to be carefully instructed in how to mix and use the solutions. Do not use too much salt. If the solution has too much salt the child may refuse to drink it. Also, too much salt can, in extreme cases, cause convulsions. Too little salt does no harm but is less effective in preventing dehydration. A rough guide to the amount of salt is that the solution should taste no saltier than tears.
How much solution do I feed? Feed after every loose motion. Adults and large children should drink at least 3 quarts or liters of ORS a day until they are well. Each Feeding:
For a child under the age of two
Between a quarter and a half of a large cupFor older children
Between a half and a whole large cup
For Severe Dehydration: Drink sips of the ORS (or give the ORS solution to the conscious dehydrated person) every 5 minutes until urination becomes normal. (It's normal to urinate four or five times a day.)
How do I feed the solution?
Give it slowly, preferably with a teaspoon.If the child vomits it, give it again.
The drink should be given from a cup (feeding bottles are difficult to clean properly). Remember to feed sips of the liquid slowly.
What if the child vomits? If the child vomits, wait for ten minutes and then begin again. Continue to try to feed the drink to the child slowly, small sips at a time. The body will retain some of the fluids and salts needed even though there is vomiting.
For how long do I feed the liquids? Extra liquids should be given until the diarrhoea has stopped. This will usually take between three and five days.
How do I store the ORS solution? Store the liquid in a cool place. Chilling the ORS may help. If the child still needs ORS after 24 hours, make a fresh solution.
10 Things you should know about Rehydrating a child.
Wash your hands with soap and water before preparing solution.
Prepare a solution, in a clean pot, by mixing - Six (6) level teaspoons of sugar and Half (1/2) level teaspoon of Salt
or - 1 packet of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) 20.5 grams
mix with
- One litre of clean drinking or boiled water (after cooled) Stir the mixture till all the contents dissolve.
Wash your hands and the baby's hands with soap and water before feeding solution.
Give the sick child as much of the solution as it needs, in small amounts frequently.
Give child alternately other fluids - such as breast milk and juices.
Continue to give solids if child is four months or older.
If the child still needs ORS after 24 hours, make a fresh solution.
ORS does not stop diarrhoea. It prevents the body from drying up. The diarrhoea will stop by itself.
If child vomits, wait ten minutes and give it ORS again. Usually vomiting will stop.
If diarrhoea increases and /or vomiting persists, take child over to a health clinic.
Footnote: People often refer to home-prepared oral rehydration solutions as "home-brew." This should be discouraged because the word brew implies:
either fermenting which in fact is an obstacle to some home-prepared solutions especially those made with rice-powderor it implies boiling (as in tea) which, especially with sugar and salt or using packets of ORS, should not be done because it decomposes the sugar, or caramelises.
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