Sunday, 11 February 2018


Table content 

  • Sport importance,benefits and physical fitness.Ways That Sports And Athletes Have Changed The World For The Better.Advantages of hosting a major event.Top 10 Benefits of Residential Soccer Camps.Health Benefits of Soccer/ Football for Men.Do Supplements Give Athletes an Edge?

Sports reduce stress and depression

When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily stressors. This can help you avoid getting bogged down by negative thoughts. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body. At the same time, it stimulates production of endorphins. These are natural mood lifters that can keep stress and depression at bay. Endorphins may even leave you feeling more relaxed and optimistic after a hard workout. Experts agree that more quality research is needed to determine the relationship between sports and depression.

Sleep and Rest.

-Sports improve sleep habits

Sports and other forms of physical activity improve the quality of sleep. They do this by helping you fall asleep faster and deepening your sleep. Sleeping better can improve your mental outlook the next day, as well as improve your mood. Just be careful not to engage in sports too late in the day. Evening practices within a few hours of bedtime may leave you too energized to sleep.

Healthy Weight

-Sports help you maintain a healthy weight

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend sports participation as a healthy way to maintain weight. Individual sports, such as running, cycling, and weightlifting, are all particularly effective ways to burn calories and/or build muscle. Staying within a recommended weight range reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension.


- Sports boost your self-confidence

The regular exercise that comes with playing sports can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. As your strength, skills, and stamina increase through playing sports, your self-image will improve as well. With the renewed vigor and energy that comes from physical activity, you may be more likely to succeed in tasks off the playing field as well as on it.


Team sports such as soccer, baseball, and basketball are breeding grounds for leadership traits. Studies done in high schools reveal a correlation between sports participation and leadership qualities. Because of the opportunity to train, try, win, or lose together, people involved in sports are naturally more inclined to adopt a “team mindset” in the workplace and in social situations. The team mindset leads to strong leadership qualities over time.

kids Benefits

Benefits for children

Sports can benefit children in many of the same ways that they benefit adults. The biggest difference is that when children start participating in sports at a young age, they are far more likely to stay active as they grow older. The same source suggests that participating in a team sport improves academic performance and results in more after-school participation.


Reduces poverty and hunger

Sports reduce lifestyle –related conditions which can prevent people from working and or imposing health care costs through :increased physical activity levels ,sports –based public education and social mobilization campaigns in support of prevention and vaccination initiatives and sport programs are successful in reducing health risk behaviours .

Reduce Child Mortality

Sports contribute in reduction of child deaths and disability from measles ,malaria and polio as a result of sports –based vaccination and prevention campaigns .

Promote gender equality and empower women.

Sports play an important role in improving health and well –being for girls and women through physical activity and access to health information through sport based programs .

Improve Maternal health

Sporting programs help in increased access to reproductive and sexual

health information discussion and services for women and girls .Sports also reduce the risk of adolescent pregnancy in sport participants in some contexts .

Compat hiv and aids, malaria and other diseases.

Risk of HIV infection is reduced as a result of sport programs aimed at prevention education and improving health risk behavior. Sports also reduce stigma and improve health for some people living with HIV and AIDS , contributing to their increased social and economic inclusion .It contribute in increased vaccination rates for measles and polio and increase reach and effectiveness of malaria ,tuberculosis and other education and prevention campaigns .

Develop a global partnership for development.

Global partnerships to leverage elite and mass sport events and high – profile athletes to promote positive health messages .

Achieve universal primary education.

Sports increase health and physical fitness of primary school children .It reduce school absenteeism through :increased physical activity and sport based health and disease prevention education for children and families
Sports and physical activities play an important role in the community and should be taken seriously .

Surprising Benefits Of Playing Sports

The health benefits of playing sports include proper weight management, efficient functioning of the heart, controlled diabetes, lowercholesterol levels, improved blood circulation, and lower hypertension and stress levels. It helps in the toning of muscles and strengthening of bones. It also brings positive energy, discipline, and helps in building self-esteem and mutual respect.

Playing sports is a favorite activity for many people around the world. It provides us with enjoyment and also freshens up our mind. However, playing sports is actually more than running, jumping, or kicking a ball on the field. Indulging in sports helps our body function smoothly and more efficiently. Sports involve the activity of each and every muscle in our body. This strengthens the body and promotes good health.

Health Benefits Of Playing Sports

Playing sports is not only for fun but has many health benefits like weight management, strong muscles and much more. Let’s have a look at the benefits in detail.

Healthy Heart

Playing sports helps with stretching ability. The heart benefits the most from playing sports and there are fewer chances of malfunctioning of your heart. Playing sports helps the heart in pumping more blood as it is a type of workout for the body.

Diabetes Control

Playing sports helps the insulin perform in a better manner. This helps diabetics make most of the insulin present in their body. Also,physical activity helps in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. It can also help in weight management since it burns excess calories.

Weight Management

Obesity is a big issue faced by millions of people across the world. This issue can be dealt with indulging in loads of sports or similar physical activities. Fat gets burnt and calories are shed through the rigorous physical activity involved in sports. People who regularly play sports are naturally leaner and fitter.

Lower Hypertension

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, may result in a stroke or heart disease. This makes controlling hypertension absolutely necessary. It can be prevented by being physically active or by playing sports.

Balanced Cholesterol Levels

Playing sports also helps inmaintaining lower cholesterol levels. Some experiments showed that compared to athletes, LDL or bad cholesterol levels in sedentary people were much higher, while HDL or good cholesterol levels were significantly higher in athletes.

Improved Blood Circulation

Blood circulation gets better when you start playing sports. The body remains well oxygenated. Thus, it remains more healthy and active. Apart from blood circulation, being physically active can also increase the hemoglobin count and the volume of blood.

Muscle Toning

Sports are actually the best form of work out for muscles. Toned muscles are always desirable and that’s what you get when you play sports. The endurance of muscles also increases with time and this helps you in gaining a stronger body. Both inner and outer muscles get toned up when one plays any sport. For example, running involves working out both the inner and outer thigh muscles.

Stronger Bones

Playing sports is beneficial in strengthening not only the muscles but also the bones in your body. Bones get their strength from bone density and aging decreases bone density, which can result inosteoporosis. Taking up sports is perhaps one of the easiest ways to maintain bone density and strength for people of all ages.

Positive Attitude

Sports can bring a positive attitude to your life if played in a healthy manner. It refreshes the mind and helps in developing a positive and fresh outlook towards life.

Boosted Self-esteem

Playing any particular sport helps in building self-esteem. When one improves in any particular sport or skill, one feels good about it.


Discipline becomes a natural part of life when you start spending time in playing sports. This is because sports inspire people to live life by certain rules and regulations and move towards a positive end. Children who indulge in sports feel healthier, and develop better and healthier relationships with other people because a positive, team-based outlook is instilled in them.

Mutual Respect

Playing sports builds mutual respect. It helps you to respect people even if they have a negative attitude towards you.


Sports train your mind to think calmly and find new strategies to deal with problems without getting too hyper.


Playing sports helps you build good relationships with people from diverse backgrounds and traits. It encourages teamwork and thus helps in preparing you to work with different people in a harmonious manner.

Goal Setting

Goal setting means that every person needs to have an idea about what he/she wants, whether it is in a game or in life. Sports may help in goal-setting and will improve performance levels in other areas of life

Safety Tips

Play under Expert Supervision

It is very important to be careful when participating in physical activities like sports. Playing them by implementing the wrong techniques can have harmful effects on your health. Try playing sports under the supervision of experienced players in the beginning and take their advice on how to play the game without getting hurt.

Stretching and Warm-up Exercises

Stretching and warm up exercises are a must in order to prevent cramps and sprains. Stretching prepares the body, brain, and mind for the physical activity involved in the sport. The blood flow increases in the muscle when one stretches and this increases the elasticity of muscles, which prevents muscle injuries.

Stay Hydrated

It is very important to remain well-hydrated in order to prevent dehydration from affecting the quality of your performance and your health. One must carry a sufficient amount of water if any sport is planned somewhere away from home. Drink water throughout the session in small quantities.


Acclimation is an important factor to be considered while playing in hot and humid conditions. There is a chance of developing heat-related illnesses, wherein the body struggles to bring down its body temperature. Under such conditions, one must stop playing the game, drink plenty of water, and try to cool down.


One should be very alert about concussions. Every minor injury should be paid equal attention. Ignorance and arrogance are both harmful when you are playing sports.  Consult your doctor immediately if you feel unwell.

Relax after the Game

It is important to rest after playing any sport. It helps relax your body and mind. The heart rate normalizes and the muscles relax. Cold fluids should be consumed after playing an intense sport. They help in cooling down the body and also in preventing heat-related illnesses. These types of illnesses are serious issues that affect many people, even professional athletes. It causes nausea, unsteadiness, and in certain instances, it can even make a person collapse completely. Prevention is the only way that this kind of situation can be dealt with, so make sure you drink plenty of water and keep your temperature down.


Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition,[1]moderate-vigorous physical exercise,[2] and sufficient rest.

[3]Before the industrial revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue. However, with automation and changes in lifestylesphysical fitness is now considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to behealthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

Fitness is defined[4] as the quality or state of being fit. Around 1950, perhaps consistent with the Industrial Revolution and the treatise of World War II, the term "fitness" increased in western vernacular by a factor of ten.[5]Modern definition of fitness describe either a person or machine's ability to perform a specific function or a holistic definition of human adaptability to cope with various situations. This has led to an interrelation of human fitness and attractiveness which has mobilized global fitness and fitness equipment industries. Regarding specific function, fitness is attributed to person who possess significant aerobic or anaerobicability, i.e. strength or endurance. A well rounded fitness program will improve a person in all aspects of fitness, rather than one, such as only cardio/respiratory endurance or only weight training.

A comprehensive fitness program tailored to an individual typically focuses on one or more specific skills,[6] and on age-[7] or health-related needs such as bone health.[8] Many sources[10] also cite mental, social and emotional health as an important part of overall fitness. This is often presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three points, which represent physical, emotional, and mental fitness. Physical fitness can also prevent or treat many chronic health conditions brought on by unhealthy lifestyleor aging.[11] Working out can also help some people sleep better and possibly alleviate some mood disorders in certain individuals.

[12]Developing research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated through the role of skeletal muscle as an endocrine organ. That is, contracting muscles release multiple substances known asmyokines which promote the growth of new tissue, tissue repair, and various anti-inflammatory functions, which in turn reduce the risk of developing various inflammatory diseases.

[13]Activity guidelines

The Physical Activity Guidelines was created by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. This publication suggests that all adults should avoid inactivity to promote good health mentally and physically. For substantial health benefits, adults should participate in at least 150 minutes (two hours and 30 minutes) a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Aerobic activity should be performed in episodes of at least 10 minutes, and preferably, it should be spread throughout the week. For additional and more extensive health benefits, adults should increase their aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity. Additional health benefits are gained by engaging in physical activity beyond this amount. Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities that are moderate or high intensity and involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week, as these activities provide additional health benefits.


Specific or task-oriented fitness is a person's ability to perform in a specific activity with a reasonable efficiency: for example, sports ormilitary service. Specific training prepares athletes to perform well in their sport.

Examples are:

100 m sprint: in a sprint the athlete must be trained to work anaerobically throughout the race, an example of how to do this would be interval training.Century Ride: cyclists must be prepared aerobically for a bike ride of 100 miles or more.Middle distance running: athletes require both speed and endurance to gain benefit out of this training. The hard working muscles are at their peak for a longer period of time as they are being used at that level for longer period of time.[15]Marathon: in this case the athlete must be trained to work aerobically and their endurance must be built-up to a maximum.Many fire fighters and police officers undergo regular fitness testing to determine if they are capable of the physically demanding tasks required of the job.[16]Members of armed forces will often be required to pass a formal fitness test – for example soldiers of the a nation Army must be able to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test.[17]Hill sprints: requires a level of fitness to begin with, the exercise is particularly good for the leg muscles. The army often trains doing mountain climbing and races.Plyometric and isometric exercises: An excellent way to build strength and increase muscular endurance.Sand running creates less strain on leg muscles than running on grass or concrete. This is because sand collapses beneath the foot softening the landing. Sand training is an effective way to lose weight and become fit as its proven you need more effort (one and a half times more) to run on the soft sand than on a hard surface.[18]Aquajogging is a form of exercise that decreases strain on joints and bones. The water supplies minimal impact[clarification needed] to muscles and bones which is good for those recovering from injury. Furthermore, the resistance of the water as one jogs through it provides an enhanced effect of exercise (the deeper you are the greater the force needed to pull your leg through).

[19]Swimming: Squatting exercise helps in enhancing a swimmer's start.

[20]In order for physical fitness to benefit the health of an individual, an unknown response in the person called a stimulus will be triggered by the exertion. When exercise is performed with the correct amount of intensity, duration and frequency, a significant amount of improvement can occur. The person may overall feel better but the physical effects on the human body take weeks or months to notice and possibly years for full development. For training purposes, exercise must provide a stress or demand on either a function or tissue. To continue improvements, this demand must eventually increase little over an extended period of time. This sort of exercise training has three basic principles: overload, specificity, and progression. These principles are related to health but also enhancement of physical working capacity activity.[21] Studies have shown that exercising at a higher intensity has increased cardiac benefits for humans, compared to when exercising at a low or moderate level.[22]When your workout consists of an HIIT session, your body has to work harder to replace the oxygen it lost. Research into the benefits of HIIT have revealed that it can be very successful for reducing fat, especially around the abdominal region. Furthermore, when compared to continuous moderate exercise, HIIT proves to burn more calories and increase the amount of fat burned post- HIIT session.

[23]Jogging – Running at a steady and gentle pace. This form of exercise is great for maintaining weight.Elliptical Training – This is a stationary exercise machine used to perform walking, or running without causing excessive stress on the joints. This form of exercise is perfect for people with achy hips, knees and ankles.Walking – Moving at a fairly regular pace for a short, medium or long distance.Treadmill training – Many treadmills have programs set up that offer numerous different workout plans. One effective cardiovascular activity would be to switch between running and walking. Typically warm up first by walking and then switch off between walking for three minutes and running for three minutes.Swimming – Using the arms and legs to keep oneself afloat and moving either forwards or backwards. This is a good full body exercise for those who are looking to strengthen their core while improving cardiovascular endurance.Cycling – Riding a bicycle typically involves longer distances than walking or jogging. This is another low stress exercise on the joints and is great for improving leg strength.[24]Sprinting - Running short distances as fast as possible

Controlling blood pressure

Physical fitness has proven to result in positive effects on the body's blood pressure because staying active and exercising regularly builds up a stronger heart. The heart is the main organ in charge of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Engaging in a physical activity will create a rise in blood pressure, once the activity is stopped, however, the individual’s blood pressure will return to normal. The more physical activity that one engages in, the easier this process becomes, resulting in a more ‘fit’ individual.[25] Through regular physical fitness, the heart does not have to work as hard to create a rise in blood pressure, which lowers the force on the arteries, and lowers the over all blood pressure.

Popular sports and activities for adults

The most popular sports and activities for Australians adults are:

walkingaerobics, fitness or gym activitiesswimming or divingcyclingjogging or runninggolftennisnetballbushwalkingsoccer.

Popular sports and activities for children

According to Australian Bureau of Statistics data, popular sports for children aged 5-14 include:

for girls – dancing, swimming/diving, netball, gymnastics, basketball, soccer (outdoor), tennis, martial arts, athletics (track and field), horse riding (equestrian and polo), hockeyfor boys – soccer (outdoor), swimming/diving, Australian Rules football, basketball, cricket (outdoor), tennis, martial arts, Rugby League, Rugby Union. dancing, athletics (track and field).

Other popular activities for both girls and boys include bike riding, rollerblading and skateboarding.

The benefits of regular physical activity

Being active for some time, a few times every week, offers a range of health benefits, including:

strengthened heart and cardiovascular systemincreased flexibilityimproved joint mobilityincreased muscle strengthstronger bonesimproved staminalowered blood cholesterol levelsreduced blood pressureloss of excess body fatreduced risk of various diseases, including heart diseaselower incidence of depressionreduced stress levels.

Physical activity recommendations for adults include:

Think of movement as an opportunity, not an inconvenience. For example, try to walk or cycle instead of using the car, or take the stairs instead of using the lift.Be as active as possible in as many ways as you can throughout the day.Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (such as brisk walking) on most (preferably all) days. The 30 minutes does not have to be continuous. Combine short 10 to 15 minute sessions throughout the day instead.

Physical activity recommendations for children include:

Children (aged five to 18 years) should accumulate at least 60 minutes and up to several hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.Screen time (television, videos and computer games) for entertainment should be limited to two hours a day.

Before starting a new exercise program

If you are over 40, have a pre-existing medical condition or have not exercised for a long time, consult your doctor before you start a new exercise program.

Pre-exercise screening is used to identify people with medical conditions that may put them at a higher risk of experiencing a health problem during physical activity. It is a ‘safety net’ to help decide if the potential benefits of exercise outweigh the risks for you.wimming or divingcyclingjogging or runninggolftennisnetballbushwalkingsoccer.

Popular sports and activities for children

According to Australian Bureau of Statistics data, popular sports for children aged 5-14 include:

for girls – dancing, swimming/diving, netball, gymnastics, basketball, soccer (outdoor), tennis, martial arts, athletics (track and field), horse riding (equestrian and polo), hockeyfor boys – soccer (outdoor), swimming/diving, Australian Rules football, basketball, cricket (outdoor), tennis, martial arts, Rugby League, Rugby Union. dancing, athletics (track and field).

Other popular activities for both girls and boys include bike riding, rollerblading and skateboarding.

The benefits of regular physical activity

Being active for some time, a few times every week, offers a range of health benefits, including:

strengthened heart and cardiovascular systemincreased flexibilityimproved joint mobilityincreased muscle strengthstronger bonesimproved staminalowered blood cholesterol levelsreduced blood pressureloss of excess body fatreduced risk of various diseases, including heart diseaselower incidence of depressionreduced stress levels.

Physical activity recommendations for adults include:

Think of movement as an opportunity, not an inconvenience. For example, try to walk or cycle instead of using the car, or take the stairs instead of using the lift.Be as active as possible in as many ways as you can throughout the day.Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (such as brisk walking) on most (preferably all) days. The 30 minutes does not have to be continuous. Combine short 10 to 15 minute sessions throughout the day instead.

Physical activity recommendations for children include:

Children (aged five to 18 years) should accumulate at least 60 minutes and up to several hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.Screen time (television, videos and computer games) for entertainment should be limited to two hours a day.

Before starting a new exercise program

If you are over 40, have a pre-existing medical condition or have not exercised for a long time, consult your doctor before you start a new exercise program.

Pre-exercise screening is used to identify people with medical conditions that may put them at a higher risk of experiencing a health problem during physical activity. It is a ‘safety net’ to help decide if the potential benefits of exercise outweigh the risks for you.


Ways That Sports And Athletes Have Changed The World For The Better.

There's a common misperception that the world is divided into "sports people" and "non-sports people," characterized by the idea that sports really only affect those who participate in them and those who watch them. It's a perspective that doesn't take into account the ways in which sports and athletes have changed the world for the good of all of us, whether we find ourselves cheering every season or waiting with anticipation to get back on the field — or whether we're happier committing all of our energies to Sunday crosswords.

Here are ways that sports and athletes are changing the world for the better.

1. Sports bring people together.

The most obvious example of this is the Olympics, where athletes from all around the world come together in a show of mutual tolerance. On an international playing field where all the rules are universally understood, the Olympic games represent something infrequently seen between our world's nations: peace. German broadcaster Deutsche Welle quotes International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach:"Sport is truly the only area of human existence which has achieved universal law," "We are all the same and respect the same rules."

2. Sports help young people in ways that go beyond physical health.

A 2010 study  published in the Journal of School Health found that "In addition to providing advantages regarding weight control, youth sport participation also relates to increased social competence, problem-solving skills, self-esteem and self-efficacy, locus of control, academic achievement, and school attendance, and to reduced juvenile arrests, teen births, and school dropout." The report adds that "Sports also create important opportunities for students to contribute to the school community, which may cultivate an increased commitment to, or identification with, school and school values."

3. Sports and athletics programs help fight childhood obesity.

The 2010 study by Dr. Taliaferro found that "Youth athletes consume more fruits and vegetables and engage in more regular vigorous activity than nonathletes. Furthermore, adolescents who participate in organized sports or an exercise program are less likely to be overweight and are more likely to remain physically active as adults"

4. They instill physical and emotional resiliency.

Resiliency is the quality of being able to "bounce back." Whether it's from an injury or disappointment, a broken heart or a failed bid at a championship, resiliency is an essential quality to cultivate. Sports demand resiliency. Not every effort, no matter how well-planned, rehearsed, and executed, is going to be a successful one. Not every strategy will succeed. What sports can teach is how to learn from those losses: how to be resilient.

This goes for sports fans, too. Ask anyone who's known the heartbreak of seeing their favorite baseball team lose after taking the pennant: they'll tell you that they'll be back next season.

5. They foster acceptance, understanding and inclusion while empowering those with disabilities.

One of the biggest gifts of sports is that athletics can help potentiate wellness, health, and community involvement in those with disabilities. Whether this means aiding in the physical rehabilitation of someone who has endured a life-changing injury or bringing a non-traditional athlete into the community of the Special Olympics, there's a sport for everyone.

6. Athletes and sporting organizations can benefit charities and awareness and advocacy campaigns.

The United Nations has this to say about the power of sports and athletes to bring attention to social justice, world health, and other issues: "the mobilizing power of sport is often used as a "door-opener" to convey crucial messages about HIV/AIDS, child's rights, the environment, education, etc."

Athletes and sports organizations large and small donate their time, energy, and essential funding to many charities and campaigns that benefit everything from medical research to developing countries to child advocacy foundations. In some cases, athletes have even built hospitals where they were most needed.

Let's take a look at just a few of the athletes who have changed the world for the better.

7. Tiger Woods.

The 4-time Masters Tournament winning golf legend is also the founder of the Tiger Woods Foundation, whose scholarship and academic programs seek to "break the cycle of poverty through college-access opportunities for low-income students.

Advantages of hosting a major event

A look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of hosting a major sporting event.

Hosting a major sporting event can give many economic, social and cultural benefits. However, the costs of hosting the event can also be quite high. What determines whether the benefits outweigh the costs?

Advantages of hosting a major event

1. Raise profile of the city/country

Increasing the profile of a city can lead to lasting economic benefits. For example, cities which host the Olympics can be assured of a persistent increase in recognition and tourism. Barcelona, Sydney, Beijing have all seen this from hosting the Olympics. For a country like China with a controversial human rights record, hosting a major sporting event can be a way to gain greater international acceptance. When South Africa hosted the Rugby World Cup and later the Football World Cup, it was a defining moment in highlighting the new ‘post-apartheid’ South Africa. This raised profile can be important for giving economic benefits, such as attracting tourists and business investment. The importance of this point depends on the particular city. For South Africa, the World Cup made a big difference to perceptions of South Africa. For a city like London, which already has a very strong reputation, hosting the Olympics will be less influential. However, even hosting the Commonwealth Games can be beneficial for a city like Manchester, which benefited from hosting games, despite the persistent rain!

2. Long term investment

A  significant benefit is the long-term investment which comes from preparing for a major event. The city/country will have a legacy of improved sporting venues. Also, cities will usually have to invest in infrastructure and transport to cater for an influx of tourists. For example, there has been significant investment in public transport projects around London. This will leave a lasting legacy for residents of London, especially East London. From the 2012 London Olympics, the east of London has benefited from improved public transport.

3. Jobs and Investment

The several years of planning and investment will help create jobs and can revitalise depressed cities. This was an important claim of the London Olympics, choosing a site in East London, which at the time was relatively depressed. It is estimated the London Olympics 2012, will create 8,000 full-time jobs and lead to a boost in economic output of close to £2bn.

4. Enthusiasm

It is often easy to find reasons not to host a major sporting event, too much debt, more important priorities. But, a major sporting event can create enthusiasm and excitement for such an event. It can help promote uptake of sport which has lasting benefits for the nation’s health. Also, a major sporting event can lead to a rise in volunteerism which promotes civic virtues.

5. Short term economic benefits

The Olympics will see a surge in visitors, athletes and media. This will provide an increase in spending and injection of money into the local economy. However, this injection of money, will only be short-term (a few weeks) and make little overall impact on the wider economy. Also, the injection of foreign visitors may be offset by locals leaving to avoid the influx and over-crowding.

There are also disadvantages of Hosting Major Sporting Events

1. The cost of building stadiums

To host a major sporting event like the Olympics can cost significant sums, which have to be paid for by the taxpayer. Costs of Olympics have a tendency to rise over time and be much greater than expected. The Montreal Olympics was estimated to have cost $120 million (1970) and then rising to $310 million (1973). The final cost was around 13-times greater at $1.6bn. It took 30 years to pay off the Olympic debt.

2. Short-Term use

Many facilities built for the Olympics can never be fully used again. e.g. an 80,000 athletic stadium will rarely be full outside of the Olympics. This can be mitigated by careful planning. e.g. the London Olympic Stadium will be used by West Ham football team and was used for legacy athletic events such as the 2017 World Championships. Other Olympic facilities, like the Olympic village, will be converted into affordable housing. However, some cities which failed to plan for the legacy of the Olympic were left with unused giant stadiums.

3. Potential for negative publicity

If things go well, a city can benefit from positive publicity, but if things go badly, it can cause the opposite. For example, the Winter Olympics has received adverse publicity because of corruption and cost overruns. The football World Cup in Qatar could backfire if players complain about the heat and conditions of migrant workers. Delhi suffered negative publicity over the state of its facilities at the Commonwealth Games.

4. Cost of Security

Major sporting events increasingly have to implement higher levels of security. This is both costly and can restrict freedom of movement of local citizens during games.

5. Higher taxes to pay cost

Some cities have seen an increase in tax post games to finance a loss of putting on the sporting event. The post-games cost of London is uncertain.  (BBC link) This increase in cost has made hosting the Olympics less politically popular.

Top 10 Benefits of Residential Soccer Camps

A sense of adventure

Children love an adventure and a residential soccer camp provides just that. What could be more exciting for an inquisitive young mind than a trip abroad to hang out with kids of their own age while playing the game that they love? For many children, a sports camp can provide the ultimate sense of adventure.

Improve skills

Of course, one of the main aims of any sports camp is to improve the skill of the players. Children that attend our sports summer camps will benefit from training under the guidance of professional coaches, many of whom have worked at the highest level in the game. However many weeks your child spends at a residential camp, they are sure to come away a better player.

 Learn a new language

One of the great features of sports camps is the option to include language lessons as part of the package. Children pick up new languages much easier than adults, so it makes sense that they should learn the language of the country they are visiting. 

Make new friends

Soccer camps attract children from all over the world, so it is only natural that those who attend will build new friendships. The children will often be sharing a room with one or more peers and will spend all day playing and socialising together. In the environment, friendships that last long beyond the duration of the camp can easily be forged.

Become more responsible

Being away from family makes children feel more grown up and as a result, they tend to adopt a more responsible attitude during their time at the camp. Of course, they may still feel the urge to have some extra fun away from the gaze of their parents but the daily routine of the camp helps them to understand the importance of self-control andtime management.

Embrace another culture

 Sports camps are hosted in many different countries around the world. In our modern globalised society it can be important for young people to be exposed to other cultures, nationalities and languages. During the sports camps, they will get to spend time discovering the sights and sounds of the local area, sampling the food and meeting new people.

 Develop as a person

During the coaching sessions at the residential soccer camps, participants are not just taught how to become better players. They are also educated on values such a teamwork, fair play and sportsmanship. When combined with the cultural aspect of the experience and the sense of responsibility that is instilled, this can help children to develop on a personal level. Children often leave feeling more confident to take on whatever challenges they decide to face in life.

Lead a healthy life

Playing sport is one of the best ways to educate a child on the importance of staying fit and healthy. The menus at all our camps are specifically designed to provide the kind of balanced and healthy diet that a young athlete needs. The importance of this is also stressed by the coaches who train the children. The right diet can improve performance, prevent illness and aid recovery from injury, so it is one of the most vital lessons that a young player can learn.

 Be more sociable

In a world dominated by smart phones, tablets, computer games and television, time spent at asoccer camp can encourage children to spend more time interacting with other people. They learn the importance of spending time outside and being active, and are only allowed to use their phones and the internet at certain times. The camps also have many communal areas where children can also interact with each other during their spare time.

 A life experience

Above everything else, a soccer camp offers young people an experience that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Whatever the motivations of each individual and whatever path they choose to take in life, they will always remember the time they spent playing sport, learning a language and having fun with new friends from all over the world.

Health Benefits of Soccer/ Football for Men

Fast footwork, agility and endurance are just a few of the essentials for playing men’s soccer/ football. And the full list of benefits gained from playing this sport are numerous. While it is most popular in European and Latin American countries (it’s even the national sport of Brazil), Americans are beginning to take part in the excitement both at the recreational and competitive levels. The best part about this sport is that you can play with any number of players, in any open space!

Before we get into the benefits, add these items to your Amazon cart with just one click. We are sure after reading the benefits you will be ready to play.

Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness.

Increases Aerobic Capacity: Running -at any intensity- for 90 minutes requires a high level of stamina. Therefore, soccer players often have a tremendous amount of aerobic capacity- being able to go from walking to sprinting and have a fast recovery to do it again, and again, and again.Improves Cardiovascular Health: The average player runs 5 to 7 miles in a full game. The constant walking, jogging and running helps keep the players’ heart rates up, providing excellent cardiovascular exercise. This constant movement helps players strengthen their hearts, resist plaque build-up in the coronary arteries, reduce their blood pressure and burn excess calories.Lowers Body Fat and Improves Muscle Tone: Soccer is a great sport for burning fat because it works the muscles and your heart in different ways. Soccer builds more muscle mass and burns more fat by recruiting both slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers. As a general workout, soccer playing burns more calories than typical workouts because players are forced to switch between using the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways.Builds Muscle Strength: lower body strength is required for kicking, jumping, tackling, twisting and turning and also forms the foundation for explosive speed. Upper body strength is required for shielding the ball, holding off opponents, throw-ins and also contributes to overall power and explosiveness. Regular soccer playing builds strength by using the whole body.Increases Bone Strength: In general, bone density decreases as people get older. The repeated weight-bearing loads on the body during a soccer match are an excellent way to increase the strength of our skeletal frame. Maintaining fitness through soccer throughout a lifetime is a great way to keep bones strong.Teaches Coordination: due to shifts between walking, running and sprinting, coordination is key to soccer. Body coordination is improved through the complex movements like dribbling, turning and passing, which are performed at varying rates of speed and direction. Hand-eye coordination is improved when players either kick the ball or receive a pass from someone. The better the coordination, the better advantage in a match.Promotes Teamwork and Sharing: While fitness goals are generally very personal, we can all benefit from sharing common goals with others who push us towards them. The lessons that players learn on the field translate to the rest of their lives and the camaraderie teammates share in unparalleled. The ability to work with others to reach a common goal is powerful when related to everyday life- in other words, join a team!Increases Cognitive Brain Function: Soccer helps increase skills in concentration, persistence and self-discipline because it is a fast-paced game that requires quick decisions on the field. Even when the tempo appears to slow down, players are constantly looking for territorial advantages, trying to position themselves to receive a pass or to defend an area the opponent may attack.Increase Confidence and Self-esteem, and Helps to Reduce Anxiety: Building physical strength and endurance helps build confidence in a player both on and off the field. Confidence and self-esteem not only impact sports performance, but also performance in school, career, family life and friendships. Also, as with all forms of exercise, the feel-good endorphins released into the body after a match are major stress and anxiety reducers. Several studies point to exercise as being a highly effective treatment for depression and anxiety.Anyone can Play, Anywhere: Soccer is not an expensive or prohibitive sport. All that is needed is space and a ball. It is a relatively simple sport to catch onto and is played mostly outdoors, which we already mentioned as being healthy here.

Do Supplements Give Athletes an Edge?

Vitamins and Supplements

You work hard to reach your athletic goals. You stick to your training program and to your nutrition plan. Now you want an edge over the competition. Is there a supplement that could give it to you?

Maybe, but results vary from person to person. When scientists study these products, mixed reviews are pretty common. Also, most research focuses on highly trained or pro athletes, so your results might be different. But if you're healthy and have no problems with your heart, kidneys, or liver, the most popular sports supplements are safe and inexpensive.

It's best to talk with your doctor before you take any product, even if it's natural, in case you have any conditions or take medications that it could affect.

Caffeine for Endurance

Caffeine gives you a pick-me-up in the morning, and it can pick up your game, too. If you take it about 30 minutes before your race or game, it could improve your endurance. For long challenges, like a marathon, caffeine during the event can help, too.

High-Protein Diets: Do They Work?

Combine speedy weight loss with the satisfaction of feeling full, and it’s easy to understand why high-protein diets are popular. But, WebMD asks, is there a downside?

“Studies have shown repeatedly that you can get improvements in performance, mainly in endurance-type exercise, with caffeine,” says Janet Rankin, PhD, professor in human nutrition, foods, and exercise at Virginia Tech.

Tennis players, cyclists, soccer players, runners, rowers, and others got an edge from caffeine in scientific studies. In some trials, the stimulant boosted athletes’ speed. In others, it helped them last longer before they spent all their energy. Some studies show that it can curb soreness after exercise, too. This means you could get back to your training sooner.

You can get caffeine from energy drinks and shots, tablets, chewing gum, sport gels, and sprays. Each product will give you different doses, so read the label before you take it.

“You don’t need all that much caffeine to get the effect,” Rankin says. “And it is possible to overdo it.” No matter what form you take, make sure you don’t get more than 400 milligrams a day. And don’t forget to count your other daily sources of caffeine -- there’s about 100 milligrams in your morning coffee.

Too much caffeine can cause headaches, irritability, stomach upset, dehydration, and trouble sleeping.

Creatine for Reps

Are you a sprinter or weight lifter? Creatine monohydrate could help with these and other repeated short bouts of intense exercise. It doesn’t seem to benefit players of other types of sports. And, like studies of many supplements, not all studies show that it benefits athletes.

Your body makes creatine naturally, and your muscles use it to do high-intensity exercise. When you do a lot of reps, you use up your natural store of it. That’s one reason your tenth rep is so much harder than your first. A supplement boosts the amount your body has to work with. You also can get creatine from beef and pork. If you already eat plenty of these, you won’t notice as much of a difference from a supplement as a vegetarian might notice.

“For very short-term bouts of exercise, creatine supplementation seems to aid in recovery,” says Thomas Sherman, PhD, professor in pharmacology and physiology at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC.

Experts consider creatine safe for healthy people. Some people take a higher dose for the first week -- about four servings of 5 grams each per day -- to “load” their muscles with the supplement. Then they drop to a “maintenance” dose of about 2 grams per day. Others skip the loading phase and start with the lower dose.

Some studies have shown that creatine could increase fat and not muscle. There’s also evidence that high doses could cause kidney, liver, or heart damage, but it's unclear how much might be too much.

Beta-Alanine for Burning Muscles

When you do short bouts of exercise at maximum effort for 30 to 90 seconds (think indoor cycling classes), your muscles make a lot of lactic acid. That’s what makes you “feel the burn.” Athletes take beta-alanine in a capsule or a drink powder to curb that burn so they can push through their workout.

Does it work? Cyclists and runners who took beta-alanine for 4 weeks improved their game in scientific studies. But not all studies agree.

“Some studies show a benefit. Others don’t,” Rankin says. “So it’s not completely clear yet. We need more studies on it, but it’s not one that I’m worried about people trying.”

Branched Chain Amino Acids for Bulking Up

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. The branched chain types are the three amino acids that muscles can use for energy. Athletes take them after workouts as tablets, gels, or drink powders to spur muscle growth.

Exercise makes your muscles grow by first injuring or breaking them down. When the tissue rebuilds, it gets bigger. Some studies show that branched chain amino acid supplements reduce muscle breakdown. If you have to lose muscle before you can gain it, the idea is that the products could cut the amount you need to lose before you start to get it back.

While these supplements might work, don’t expect dramatic results. Exercise stimulates muscle [growth] anyway. So taking amino acids probably isn’t physiologically very significant, but it’s also not harmful.

Whey Protein for Muscle Growth

Like branched chain amino acids, many athletes take whey protein, usually in a protein shake, after workouts to try to curb muscle damage and boost growth.

High-Protein Diets: Do They Work?

Combine speedy weight loss with the satisfaction of feeling full, and it’s easy to understand why high-protein diets are popular.

There’s a window of about at least 30 minutes after you stop exercising during which you can take in protein and promote [growth] of lean muscle mass. A number of scientific studies show that whey protein after exercise helps reduce muscle damage or promotes its growth.

Whey protein seems to work best after resistance exercise, like weight training, Rankin says. But you don’t have to get the nutrient from a supplement. A high-protein meal after a workout would do the job, too. Whey protein on top of that might give you an extra boost.

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